A Real Life Friend

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Emerald and I exchanged numbers. I can already tell we'll turn out to be really good friends. I mean, she likes the same books as I do, we have a similar style, and she may be super pretty and nice and smart and—

But, she's also a pretty big fan of My Chemical Romance.

I didn't tell her about Gerard. How do I tell a fan something like that? First of all, she might not even believe it, and secondly, I need to make sure she's not the kind of person who would just use me to get to the band. I'm pretty sure she's not, but I have trust issues.

Anyway, all of my teachers seem alright, I didn't get lost, and my locker was easy to open, so overall, I'm pretty lucky with how my first day of school turned out. One downside though, is that there are a lot of preppy girls in my grade. One in particular, (Charlotte, I think it was?) kept giving Emerald and I cold looks during any chance she got.

When the bell finally rings at the end of the day, I get a call from Gerard.

"Hey, Gee," I say into my phone.

"Hey, Eve, Mikey's picking you up. He's coming over anyway and he offered."

"Okay," I step outside and look around the parking lot, spotting him pretty easily, "I see him!"

"Alright, Kiddo, can't wait to hear about your day. And, don't get run over in the parking lot!"

"I won't! See you soon." And on that cheery note, I end the call.

Once I climb into the passenger seat it takes Mikey only about three seconds to leave the school grounds. Impressively, he doesn't hit anyone with the car.

"In a hurry, are we?" I laugh.

"Teenagers scare me," He confesses. "They judge you, but... accurately, you know?"

"You got that right. They scare me too, and I am a teenager."

Mikey nods, keeping his eyes on the road. "So, Kid, how was your first day?"

"Pretty good, actually. I made a friend."

"A new friend already? I guess school's not as bad as you thought it'd be."

"Yeah, it's not too bad. Yet, anyway." I say 'yet' because it's only just begun, after all. We haven't had any homework assigned or anything, and I haven't yet had to live through the horror that is gym class.

I just know it's going to get worse.

"Gerard told me you got pretty panicked about it," Mikey continues.

"Oh, yeah. But I'm okay now." I suspect Gerard told him that I was more than "pretty panicked" because that's a severe understatement. I'm not mad at him for telling, though.

As soon as we walk in the house, the first thing I hear is music blasting. It's the album Station to Station by David Bowie. I enter the living room only to see Gee dancing around.

I stand and watch for a good thirty seconds, Mikey right behind me, before yelling over the music, "Hey, Gee!"

He turns the music off quickly, "Hey, Evie! I was just—"

"Being a dork."

He shrugs, "I guess you could say that. So, how was your day?"

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