Who Doesn't Like Bacon

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Just a couple more days before I'm off to Hell—


I mean school.

But, do you know what that means? School shopping! It's one of the only things I enjoy when it comes to school. I love picking out pens, pencils, a new backpack... and I'm basically a slut for a good notebook.

While I wait to go shopping, I just do some sit-ups on my floor next to my bed. Casual stuff, you know? I feel like I need to look my absolute best, my healthiest, for school.

I would've formerly called this exercise something of a chore, but my mind has now changed. It feels worth the pain of my spine digging into the floor.

Suddenly, a knock sounds on my door and I immediately stop what I'm doing. Just in time, might I add.

"Hey Eve, are you– what are you doing on the floor?" Gerard asks, confused.

"Just discovering how comfortable floors can actually be, you know?" I'm slightly out of breath, but I manage to control it, letting my hair fall in front of my face to cover my cheeks that I can only imagine are flushed.

"No, I don't know. Get up, Loser, we're going shopping."

In the car on the way to the shops, I'm Not Okay (I Promise) comes on the radio. Gerard is so excited; hearing himself on the radio never gets old. That's what he says, at least.

"REMEMBER WHEN YOU BROKE YOUR FOOT FROM JUMPING OUT THE SECOND FLOOR- IM NOT OKAYYY—" This song is meant for screaming with the car windows rolled down— or, at least that's how I'm performing it.

"Okay, okay we're here!" Gerard yells over my scream-singing.


As soon as Gee turns off the engine, I hop out of the car and run into the store. I guess listening to that song pumped me up, unlike the last time I heard it, because I haven't been this hyper in a while.

"Slow down, Kiddo! What's the rush?" Gerard asks, catching up with me.

"I'm hyper!" I say, jumping up and down. "Can I get a backpack first?"

"Yeah, sure, if you know where to find them."

Unlike the mall, I know my way around here perfectly. I go straight to the back-to-school section and see a glittery black backpack. It's like love at first sight, which I don't even believe in, by the way.

"This one. This is the one." I say, grabbing the backpack and hugging it to my chest. When I pull it away, my black T-shirt is covered in sparkles, but I couldn't care less. "I feel like it matches my soul perfectly."

"What, black and glittery?" Gee laughs.

"Yes! Now let's go find some notebooks."

It was a successful shopping trip overall. I got an infinite supply of mechanical pencils (and not those cheap ones that break when you apply any pressure), cute animal shaped erasers because why not, a bunch of red and black notebooks, and also some boring school supplies.

When we're at the check-out, I think to grab about four packs of gum because it's always handy to have a stash of that at school. It's a great way to make friends too, you know. Just pull out a pack of gum and suddenly everyone loves you.

We lug all the stuff back to the car and climb back in.

"That was a short trip," I say, realizing we were only in there for about twenty minutes.

Gerard nods, "You're a good decision maker. I mean, you immediately knew that lion erasers were better than alpaca ones."

"I know what I like," I shrug.

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