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~Jellybean's POV~
"Over here,I've found her!!"a familiar voice screams,I can't remover who that voice belongs to but I know they've found me.My body is shaking and my eyes puffy,my sick state seems to be only deteriorating.I manage to scramble to my feet but I feel extremely light-headed as though I'm about to faint,black flashes in front of me but I have to get away,I attempt to run but fall to the ground instantly grazing both my knees and arms,I try to stand again but it's useless so I begin to crawl ignoring the pain from the twigs and stones my poor knees are coming into contact with.I hear leaves behind me crunching when the same voice yells out "grab her",two tall,muscular figures hover above me before one scoops me up into his arms,I look at his face and see that it's Sweetpea,the other figure was Fangs and the voice I recognised belonged to a very worried looking Toni.I sighed before being enveloped by darkness.
"She was in Sweet-water woods,sleeping peacefully against a tree"Toni's voice explained.My eyelids fluttered open to reveal a group of people surrounding me my dad and Jughead at the front.The other people were Archie,Veronica,Betty,Toni,Cheryl,Fangs,Sweetpea and a man around my dads age who I didn't recognise."how are you feeling sweetie?"my dad asked stroking my cheek with his thumb,I could tell he had been crying.I whimpered in response,not having the energy to give a proper reply.I tried to sit up but was pushed back down by my dads calloused hands.I didn't recognise where I was but Jughead seemed to notice my confused expression."We're upstairs in the Whyte Wyrm,we might have to bring you to hospital though Jelly,if your condition doesn't improve"my brother whispered soothingly.I groaned.
"Let's get you home Jellybaby"my dad soothed lifting me up bridal style.i was carried down a flight of stairs and out into the cold night air "thanks for helping us find her everyone and for actually finding her Toni,Cheryl,Sweetpea and Fangs"I could hear my brother announced.
I knew I was in big trouble,I'm so stupid!
The drive home was silent and to be honest,awkward.I rested my head on my brothers shoulder,when we got home I tried to stand but it was impossible so my dad had to carry me again.He laid me carefully on my bed and tucked me in with an extra blanket to stop me from shivering,Jughead came in and knelt by my me placing another damp cloth on my forehead seeing as my temperature had only risen."JB,why did you run away?"my dad asked with furrowed brows."I didn't want to be a burden..."I replied quietly full of shame,how could I be so stupid.Of course they were gonna find me.
"I'm sorry"I cried,tears flowing down my cheeks,I couldn't stop them I just felt so useless and alone.
"Jellybean,we love you more than you'll ever be able to understand"Dad said sternly pulling me into a hug,Jughead patted me on the arm,I drifted off to sleep feeling safe with my family,my real family that is.
sorry this chapter sucks lol but quick s'o to my bfffff ghostmode0 her story is amazing <3
Also thanks for all the support on this story it means the world to me xo

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