33.Answered Prayers

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~Betty's POV~
Seeing Jellybean upset made the whole experience ten time more heartbreaking.
I needed Jughead to wake up,we all do.
My life was a hell without him,I feel so empty,he's my only source of happiness and I'm afraid I'll never get to experience that happiness ever again.
The weeks went by slowly,each long day I spend worrying about Juggy in school and rushing straight to his bedside at the hospital after school.
Archie,Veronica,Jellybean and I have been having daily meet ups at Pops,the company is nice for all of us I'm sure.
~Jellybean's POV~
Three weeks after the incident and I was starting to worry that my brother would never wake up.Thankfully I was wrong,maybe God,given he is real,was listening to my prayers that night and maybe he decided to answer them.
It was Friday,I was in algebra,my least favourite subject,I was barely paying attention,too busy doodling in my sketch pad.
I was drawing a bright star-similar to the shooting star I wished upon.My mind was also far from the cramped classroom,busy thinking about Jughead-all I could think about lately.
"That's amazing Jellybean"Ashton whispered nudging me.
"Thanks"I blushed in reply being snapped back into reality.Good thing Ashton brought me back to the present in time for the announcement on the intercom.
"Can Forsythia Jones please be excused from class with all her belongings"
I frowned in confusion,that's me but why was I being excused from class?
Was I in trouble?
I packed up my bags and hurried out of the classroom and down the deserted school corridors.My mind racing,maybe Jughead died? He couldn't have.
I begin to feel panic rise,I felt dizzy,my vision clouded.
A panic attack was coming on.
I reached the principles office thankfully before my panic attack took all control from me.Dad was smiling at me,Betty stood next to him.
I rushed up to them wondering what the hell was going on.
"Is he okay?"I breathed out urgently,my worried eyes flicking between my dad and brothers girlfriend.
Betty chuckled and dad grinned."he woke up JB,he's gonna be okay!"dad shrieked.I sighed in relief,thank you God,if you exist,I muttered under my breath.This was the best news ever! I skipped out to dads jeep,ahead of Betty and dad humming the words to summer of 69,this was a song Jughead and I used to dance to,as kids.Before Toledo and everything.
I rushed down the corridors,ignoring the stench of antibacterial medicines and whatever.I pushed open the door to room 104,my brothers room.
"Jughead!!"I shrieked clambering up onto his bed,yet again careful to avoid all the many wires poked into his veins pumping various liquids and medicines into his bloodstream.
"Hey,careful kiddo"he smirked."I thought you were gonna die on me Jug"I laughed grabbing his hand in mine.
I spent the day catching my brother up on what he missed in the past three weeks.Betty and dad stationed at each side of his hospital bed.Archie and Veronica joined us later on,along with Fred Andrews.
And for the first time in weeks,I felt happy,genuinely happy.Like there was hope for me,like maybe,everything was gonna be okay.
I slept soundly that night,I still had to stay at the Andrews with Fred and Archie though,Jughead's stuck in hospital for another week,just to make sure he recovers fully.
Dad was still making me go to school tomorrow,how unfair is that!
I hate the constant staring and whispers I'm receiving.I can pretend not to notice but that won't get rid of the huge,ugly scars covering my face and body.
Those fucking Ghoulies haven't seen the last of me,I don't care how dangerous they are.Im not just gonna let them get away with this,no one fucks with us Jones.
I've been feeling super uninspired with this story but I noticed earlier that this story has reached 90 votes and 1.92k reads which is huuuuuge! Thank you all so much for reading,voting and following me! This is my first story on wattpad and writing it is so much fun.
This story is also somehow ranking #1 under the tag jellybeanjones whoop!
And #2 under barchie??? Idek why I used that tag tbh as barchie will never be a ship in this story haha I'm a strong shipper of Bughead and varchie <3
Also have y'all seen s3 episode 11??
If not then stop reading;
Betty deserves so much better :(
Hal is back playing his twisted games with Betty and that is not okay! I was literally ready to throw a brick at my TV,ngl.
I started a new show,shameless and it's amazingggggg,would 10/10 recommend!!!!!!!!! <33
Anyways yeah,thanks for reading y'all,hope your enjoying the story so far.

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