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~Jellybean's POV~
It was 12:30 in the afternoon when I woke up,I've never slept in so late.I gasped in surprise.I yawned as I stretched out my limbs.I got dressed into some grey leggings and an oversized,hot pink hoodie.I put the same converse on and did my hair in French braids.I looked at the palms of my hands,the five crescent shaped scars were dried up of blood but yellow crust was beginning to form.Betty and Veronica didn't tell my brother,if they did he would've confronted me.Maybe they trusted me enough to stop on my own accord.I couldn't help but smirk,no ones ever trusted me before.I left my room and brushed my teeth in the bathroom,my dad had gone shopping yesterday,he bought me some essentials such as a hairbrush,hair ties,toothpaste,a toothbrush and some other things.I then stalked out to the kitchen/living room area where Jughead and Betty were sat on the sofa watching TV.Betty smiled at me warmly and Jughead calmly asked how I was feeling."Better than yesterday" I replied with a slight smile.My brother really did seem to care about me,I was furious however that my mom kept me from them,they had a right to see me,they were my family after-all.I took a round,lilac bowl from the cupboard and emptied some froot loops into it,I drowned the sugary cereal in milk and placed it on the table.I sat down to eat when Betty jumped up from the sofa and walked towards me with a black trash-bag.I frowned curiously and she giggled."I was cleaning my room and found some old clothes in my wardrobe that don't fit me anymore,they might not be your style but I thought you'd like to look through them,you can throw out what you don't want" she handed me the bag and I poured its contents all over the grubby tiles of the cramped kitchen.I rummaged through the clothes,everything was so pretty.Pastel coloured hoodies,dresses,shirts Betty even threw some shoes in there.I felt like I'd just won a lottery."Betty you didn't have to do all this"Jughead gushed with a laugh.I looked up at the lovebirds and grinned before jumping up and throwing myself into Betty's warm arms "thank you,so,so much Betty"I whispered in a raspy voice.Betty smiled and rubbed my cheek with her hand.
"what do my two favourite ladies wanna do today?"Jughead asked.My heart sunk in my chest,today was the last day of Summer...school was starting tomorrow and I knew it wouldn't be all that easy to bunk,not in a town as small as Riverdale.I sighed lightly and snapped back into reality to hear that my brother and Betty were making plans to take me shopping for school supplies.I rolled my eyes,I hated shopping.
I collapsed on my bed,I was exhausted,my brother and his lover had dragged me into a thousand,boring shops insisting on getting me school supplies I didn't want.I refused to cooperate forcing the older teens to pick items out for me.Jughead picked out a cute black backpack with neon "paint splashes" littered all over it.Betty selected various,colourful notebooks.They both wanted to buy me some flashy,novelty pens but I had to put my foot down in that department,as if I was going into the hellhole called school with a big,glittery pen covered in cringy emojis,they must've forgot I was fourteen I sighed.I convinced them to instead buy me a plain blue pen.We got food in pops,obviously and then dropped Betty home before arriving back at our trailer where I quickly greeted dad and dumped myself on my bed.
Oof this chapter is trash,basically just a filler :) I just kinda wanted to develop relationships in this chapter,I really like the idea of Betty and Jellybean being good friends :)

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