17.The Run-Away

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I was woken by the sounds of people talking in hushed tones which seemed to be coming from the kitchen."so where's JB?"I recognised the voice belonging to Archie,"her room,finally got her to fall asleep but she should be waking soon for another dose of medicine"my brother sounded exhausted,I felt bad,he was probably tired from taking care of me and in the next twenty-four hours my disappearance was probably going to cause him to collapse unless he's relieved to be rid of me,maybe he considers me a handful.I make a fist at the thought and draw blood again only this time the pain is slightly unbearable causing me to hiss.I try muffle the sound but it's too late,I hear footsteps which I presume to belong to the four sets of feet from my brother and his friends.i pretend to be asleep but I guess I was pretty obviously awake as my brother chuckled I opened my eyelids gingerly "so what was that about huh?"my brother asked raising a brow 'bad dream"I lied,Jughead knew I was lying but decided to drop it however Betty seemed to notice the blood drying into my skin."I got you a milkshake from Pops but you'd better wait until your feeling better"Veronica smiled sweetly "thanks"was all I could reply,my voice was surprisingly raspy and dry causing it to sound barely audible "I'll get you some water"Jughead whispered rushing to the kitchen,Archie followed probably feeling awkward being left with only girls.
Betty looked at me with furrowed brows and unclenched my still-bleeding palm "Jellybean you need to stop hurting yourself or I'll have no choice but to tell Jughead"she whispered.She can tell him if she really wants to,I won't be here long enough for him to do anything about it,tonight was my perfect chance to escape with dad working a night shift,I know I should wait until I'm perfectly healthy again but I might not get another opportunity as good as this one."I'm being serious Jellybean"Betty snapped me back to reality "okay,I'll try stop"I replied with no intentions of actually trying to stop.Jughead came back with water,medicine and a fresh,damp cloth.Veronica and Betty played with my hair while Archie stood awkwardly by my door.Jughead forced me to have a spoon of medicine and drink the glass of water he then placed the cloth on my forehead and told me to get some sleep.He flicked the light switch leaving the darkness to swallow me.A few moments later I heard the low sounds coming from the TV and laughter of the older teens.I jumped out of bed,the cloth falling on the floor,now was my chance.I had to work quickly and quietly,I grabbed my school backpack and emptied its contents on my bed.I began to pack it full with some money,a charger and a blanket.I quickly dressed into grey sweatpants and a warm,pink,oversized hoodie.I pulled my converse on my feet and scooped my hair up into a high ponytail.I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note which read;
Dear Dad & Jug,
Thank you for looking after me these past few weeks but it's time I move on...
It was great to see you both again and I hope you can forgive me
I left the note on my bed.
I tried to open my window carefully to avoid creaks and once it was wide enough I crawled out leaving it open.I didn't know where to go but I continued to walk,I didn't have much energy being honest I felt I could collapse at any moment.
I was tired both physically and mentally,after walking for a while I found myself deep in a wooded area,I leant against a tall tree and fell asleep.
~Jughead's POV~
It felt nice to spend some quality time with my friends,I felt awful for Jellybean,her temperature was still pretty high,showing no signs of changing,poor thing was suffering.
After awhile I decided to check on JB in hopes her temperature had gone down.
I lightly knocked on her down but when no one responded I barged in.
Panic overwhelmed me as Jellybean was no where in sight "anyone seen JB??"I yelled at my group of friends,they all looked confused but jumped up to help me search her room for clues as to where she could be.
Her window was wide open and Archie found a note on her bed,he read it aloud and I felt it was my turn to feel sick to my stomach,why would she run away? I thought she was happy here? There was definitely something my little sister was hiding from me.I called Toni and told her,telling her to send all the serpents out on a search party for my little sister,next I phoned dad begging him to try stay calm of course how could he? I couldn't even stay calm.My baby sister could be anywhere right now,I could only hope that she was safe-wherever she is.
Archie and Betty both called their parents to join the search while Veronica called our other friends Kevin and Josie.
I just hoped we would find Jellybean safe and sound,poor kid was still sick and being out tonight in the cold could only make things worse.

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