16.all worked up

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~Jughead's POV~
Neither my dad or Jellybean were anywhere in sight when I arrived back from school.I could hear quiet whimpering and a soothing voice shushing the source of whimpers,I followed the sounds to my sisters room to see a shaking Jellybean lying in bed accompanied by my dad who was knelt at her side carefully dabbing her forehead with a damp cloth.I hated seeing Jelly sick,she looked like she was suffering in her half-asleep state.
~Jellybean's POV~
I groaned as dad gently dabbed my forehead with the dampened cloth,my eyelids fluttered open when I heard my brothers worried voice "how is she?he asked dad,"I'll be fine"I replied quietly shivering although I knew this wasn't the case,this wasn't the first time I got myself worked up into a fever.I just couldn't believe my dad had been involved in the cover up of a murder,why didn't anyone tell me?
"I'm gonna make you some soup,gotta get something into you JB"Dad said soothingly before walking out to the kitchen.Jughead sat at my bed next to me and rubbed my back taking over my dads job with the damp cloth "what brought this on Jelly?" He asked sternly,I wasn't sure whether to lie and pretend I didn't know or just tell Jughead what I found out "I don't know,I just felt queasy"Jughead knew I was lying,I was the worst at it.He furrowed his brow so I admitted what I knew "why didn't you tell me Jug?,about dad getting framed for a murder and going to prison...?"I made a fist and watched my knuckles turn white as my nails dug deep into my palm.Jughead gasped "who told you?"anger was rising in his voice and I laughed "it was obviously gonna come out Jug,I'm not stupid."I replied slightly annoyed."get some rest ok,m'love" he whispered,moving my hair back out of my face and leaving the cloth on my forehead to cool me down before following dad to the kitchen.I wasn't afraid of dad,he'd never hurt me but I was annoyed no one had bothered to tell me,I was annoyed at myself for getting so worked up and falling ill.I felt it was time to put my run-away plan into action but I would have to wait until I was feeling better.Dad and Jughead both came back in a few moments later with vegetable soup,my favourite kind of soup however my appetite had disappeared.Dad knelt down again as Jughead sat by my feet.I sat up carefully."Jellybean,I know your angry but honestly the events that took place last year are so far from my mind,please don't be angry JB"dad pleaded.I simply nodded my head."Jellybean,you need to eat"Jughead added as dad held the soup up I took it and began to drink it slowly.
"I've gotta work a night shift tonight"dad said before getting up and leaving.
"I invited my friends over,hope you don't mind JB"Jughead added before getting up and leaving also.My palms were bleeding and I was exhausted so I fell asleep.
This chapter sucks oof,it's kinda just a filler idk but next chapter will have some cute bonding moments between Jellybean,Betty and Veronica whoop!
Also happy 2019 y'all <3

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