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~Jellybean's POV~
Pain was my only feeling,all over my body was pain.
I tried to move my arms and legs but they were securely fastened to what seemed to be a chair,a chair I was sat on.Slowly the memories of previous events seeped back into my mind,I've been Kidnapped?!I open my eyes,it takes a few groggy minutes to focus and adjust,I'm in what appears to be a hotel room but there's no hotels in Riverdale? Did my mom arrange this kidnapping? The thought terrifies me but no,my mom wouldn't go this far.Would she?
"Looks like the Serpent Princess has finally awoken"a voice laughs coldly.
I look up to notice the blonde woman who the voice belongs to,she has blonde hair and piercing blue eyes viciously  glaring down at me.I also notice two other burly,muscular men standing by the door out of the corner of my eye.Why did this have to happen to me? I try to scream but it's no use,a rag of cloth is wound around my mouth turning my words into quiet mumbles.Where's my dad,where's Jug? I need them now more than ever.
The knotted rope is binding me so tightly to the chair I'm sure it's left marks on my skin.
"You poor thing,we beat the shit out of you,you look,well to be honest like your near death but don't worry,we'll make it slow and painful and Frank here is recording the whole thing for all to all your fellow serpents to watch"The woman speaks again her voice showing no signs of mercy.They beat me up while I was unconscious,no wonder I was in so much pain!The woman pulls out a pocket-knife "we needed you fully awake for this part,it might kill you and well I thought your beloved dad and brother should watch"she laughs again.This woman is so twisted and sick,I feel a knot form in my stomach as she approaches me closer with the knife,I also notice the men come closer,Frank,the one recording stands right next to the woman shoving the camera in my face,the other man points a gun at me.My eyes widen in fear and my breathing picks up as my heart beats heavily and fast in my chest.
This is it.I'm about to die.I'm about to breathe my last breath,the thought terrifies me further.The woman lifts up my shirt a small bit,thankfully nothing is revealed.She takes the knife and I look away as the agony begins.I clamp my teeth down firmly on my gag in an attempt not to scream.The torture continues as the minutes go by slowly and painfully."Can't work on a piece without signing it off"The woman spat with an eery smile.I looked down at what she had done and gasped,the bitch had carved words into my stomach,words which read "Serpent Princess Scum-The Ghoulies"If I could move I would've punched her right in the face or something but I was so weak from all the pain her and her goons had inflicted on me."Shall we finish you off?"she asked taking the gun from her accomplice.I was beginning to fade in and out of consciousness,I was about to die and there was nothing I could do about it.I felt the cold metal of the gun press against my forehead,I was waiting anxiously for the loud gunshot sound that would end my life.I never got to say goodbye to dad or jug or Betty or anyone!I couldn't stop myself from sobbing now.Then came the loud bang,I was dead.Although I didn't feel dead,I didn't even feel pain.I was expecting to actually feel the bullet contact my skin but I didn't,in fact I felt the same.
I was barely conscious,slipping away slowly.
"Jellybean,JB please,can you hear me?"I felt two hands cup my face,Jughead?What was Jughead doing in the afterlife? I opened my eyes to see I was outside,my caring brother holding me upright in his embrace,his friends around us with concerned stares."Oh my god she looks awful,I'll call an ambulance"a voice I recognised to belong to Veronica screeched.I looked up into my brothers glossy green eyes,Betty was behind him patting his shoulder comfortingly."How are you feeling Jelly?"Archie asked.I was too weak to nod my head and my throat was too dry and choked up to speak so I blinked and nuzzled my head into my brothers chest."Don't worry JB,dads in the hotel with the serpents and mom,those Ghoulies are gonna pay for this Jell,big time."Jughead soothed.I didn't want Dad up there,those people were dangerous and did Jug say Mom? No,I must be hallucinating,she can't be here.
There was an even louder gunshot from the building followed by a piercing scream Jug and his friends exchanged looks with wide eyes,gasps,nodding heads and mouthing.
I closed my eyes tight,hoping I could block out the screaming and shouting that followed.Several minutes later an ambulance pulled up and figures came running out of the building."how is she jug,she's okay right?"i heard my dad ask in an urgent whisper,taking my weak body from my brother before gently placing me on a stretcher with the help of some paramedics.I saw more men who I presumed to be serpents emerge from the hotel,one carrying a limp,lifeless body."please tell me it's not?"Jughead begged my dad before breaking into tears.Who was it? I didn't have time or the strength to ask as an oxygen mask was placed over my face and wires connected to my body.I slipped into yet again unconsciousness.
This chapter is super dramatic oof,this story is so far from over haha it's still only beginning! Sorry for leaving y'all on another cliffhanger but I gotta do homework ugh.
I'll try get the next chapter up as soon as possible but hope y'all are still enjoying this story <3

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