22.The email

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~Jellybean's POV~
The next few weeks went by quickly with surprisingly no drama.I went to school everyday and hung out with Mae and Jamie,in science I was assigned to be lab-partners with Ashton who is actually really nice,he asked me if I'd go on a date with him,to pops for milkshakes after school on Wednesday,i want to go but I can't imagine my dad or jug will ever let me go on a date I'm barely even allowed walk around Riverdale on my own.I was enjoying my new life,I can't believe I've been here a month already,mom still hasn't bothered to contact me,it's funny how I used to think she cared about me.
Nothing lasts forever though,my happiness here in Riverdale was destined to crumble and fall apart I had just hoped it would last longer than it did.
It started with a phone-call,Dad answered his cell,his cool expression instantly transformed into one of annoyance."Dad you ok?"I ask.He stepped outside the trailer closing the door behind him without answering my question.Jug and I exchange a look of confusion tinged with worry,why would dad go outside? He obviously didn't want us to hear but what could be so bad?
We can hear dads muffled yelling into the phone."Don't worry about it JB,probably just some serpent ticking him off"Jughead says weakly,failing to reassure me.
When dad comes back inside he's pissed,the phone call lasted around ten minutes."Dad,who was that?"I ask,super confused."Jellybean,go to your room I gotta talk to your brother bout something"Dad says sternly,I'm about to protest but I know better so I head to my room,annoyed.Why couldn't he tell me? Jughead's only five years older than me.I tried to listen in on the conversation but they were both speaking in hushed tones,all I could make out is a sense of panic in the atmosphere.What could be so bad?
I have nothing to do so I decide to just go on my laptop and maybe do some writing or something,I power it on and see that I have a new email in my inbox,obviously I click on it but I soon wish I hadn't.I feel a lump form in my throat,a lump I can't swallow.This cannot be happening!!The email is from my mom,yeah the same mom who forced me to move to Toledo with her at the age of six,the mom who left me to fend for myself,the mom who moved off abroad with her husband not caring if I arrived in Riverdale safely.The email read;
Hey Jellybean,
Things aren't really working out with Dave meaning I'm coming home!!
I'll be picking you up in Riverdale Friday morning,can't wait to see you,
~Mom xx
I want to cry,I only just reunited with my dad and brother,I don't wanna leave them again,mom can't do this,she can't make me go with her.I have friends here,I have a crush and I actually have a caring family.I mean mom was never bad but she wasn't there for me either,she'd be busy in the bedroom with Dave leaving me on my own,I had to cook my own food,wash my own clothes,cancel my own appointments.
No way in hell was I going back to Toledo.
I sheepishly walk back down the hallway and into the kitchen,dad and Jug both look up straight away expecting I want to know what's going on with them but honestly I don't care now,I have a bigger problem but then they read my expression.I'm fighting back tears,how could I ever leave them again?
"JB,what's wrong?"Dad asks rushing over and pulling me into a tight hug,I start to sob "I...I d-don't want to go back,please don't let her take me"I stutter."Back where Jelly?"Jughead asks after sharing an expression of concern with dad,I lead them to my room and show them the email.
"Oh my god,she can't do that,dad"Jughead yells "she abandoned the kid and it's easy to see Jellybeans so much happier here" he continues.
"We'll work this out Jelly,don't you worry,we won't let her take you away from us,not again"dad says patting my shoulder.I nod my head hoping he'll keep this promise.

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