8.Everyone Leaves Eventually

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~Jellybean's POV~
Here I am,alone for the first time since appearing back in my hometown.Its as though my dad and brother are afraid I'll disappear again,forever if they don't keep their eyes constantly fixed on me.I don't understand why they all of a sudden care...they obviously didn't care during the years I spent in Toledo they never visited or even tried to contact me.Its funny how opposite things are now.My small,clean apartment has been traded for a comfortable,slightly smelly,cramped trailer.My fake,bitch of a mother and her fancy boyfriend have been replaced by my caring dad and overprotective brother who didn't seem to care a week ago but now my mom is the one who doesn't give a shit.Ive been in Riverdale for three days already.I haven't yet received a phone call,I haven't even received a text,email or letter.Shes so busy travelling with Dave she hasn't even bothered to check that I arrived safely.Shes too busy in her new life,a life I'm no longer apart of.
Deep down I know my mom never truly cared about me,she yanked me from Riverdale simply to punish my father.Punish him for being a drunk,punish him for arguing with her but what I never understood is how she can blame him for arguing? An arguement must be between more than one person or else it doesn't work,my mom is equally as guilty.I don't care though.Dad actually cares about me but I know this love is temporary.I can't let myself get too attached because then I won't want to leave.I have to leave...I can't stay,I have to leave before they leave me.I am not worthy of love,I figured that out a long time ago.Everyone eventually leaves me.I don't really understand why.
I'm going to run away,I just need to make a plan first and well,I need somewhere to go.
~Jughead's POV~
Last night was great.My friends all got to know my little sister better.I got to know her too,the new her.I hate to admit it but obviously jellybean and I are practically strangers.I haven't seen her since she was six and now she's fourteen.A lot about her has changed since then,she's moulded into someone completely different.Shes no longer the little girl with pigtails and bows,she's a teen with long,wavy hair and strong opinions.I missed her so much but there's something about her that I just can't read.Something she's hiding.I shake the thought from my mind and fall asleep.I was still tired and slightly hungover from last nights celebrations.My little sister is really home,I can't help but smirk.They say You don't realise how much you miss something until it's gone,I couldn't agree more.

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