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~Jellybean's POV~
I woke up to my dad gently shaking me awake and Jughead standing in the door-frame with my packed bag and lunch."privacy??" I asked sighing.The men laughed and walked out,Jughead left my bag on the soft,cream coloured carpets.I changed into one of the jumpers Betty had donated me,a pale,baby-blue one,I paired it black jeans,ripped at the knee and my usual white converse.I braided my hair quickly into two French braids and followed my dad and brother to the kitchen where a bowl of froot loops was already waiting for me at the table.I shovelled them into my mouth quickly,I didn't want to be late on my first day of school.My brother then informed me that Archie would be picking us up everyday and bringing us home along with Betty and Veronica.
The red car pulled up outside shortly after,dad kissed me on the forehead and waved to Jughead.My brother opened the door for the backseat in which I slid into,Betty was already sat smiling at me.My brother slammed the door and clambered into the passenger seat next to Archie."excited to start school?"Archie questioned with a smirk."something like that"I replied with a sigh,Betty put a hand on my knee as the car pulled in outside of a massive penthouse.Veronica ran out of the building and slithered into the car on my other side whispering a quick how are you?.I knew my brothers friends thought of me as weak and I hated that.
Jughead lead me to the main office and grabbed my schedule and locker combination,he followed me to my locker and typed the combination for me,he helped me put everything I needed to in my locker and then walks me to my homeroom,that was as much as he could help me with.I shuffled into the classroom to be greeted by a teacher with long,sleek black hair wearing a black and white striped jumpsuit.She smiled at me and introduced herself as Mrs Fletcher.She made me introduce myself to the whole class which I hated."My name is Forsythia Jones but I go by Jellybean...I'm fourteen and although I was born here in Riverdale I lived in Toledo for most of  my life".That was all I said,I didn't go into much detail,what right did these strangers have to know my story? Mrs Fletcher told me to sit at the empty desk down the back,I liked being down the back,it made it harder for my new classmates to stare and criticise.This whole school thing was torture for me,I knew the drill,I was the weird new kid,daughter to FP and sister to Jughead,that meant I was practically a serpent I mean the southside serpents are,after-all,in my blood.My first class was History which was pretty boring,Mrs Fletcher didn't ask me any questions as I was the new kid,this made it so much easier to zone out and daydream.My next class,Maths was tough.I couldn't do anything the other kids could which resulted in me feeling really stupid.
I was suddenly beginning to regret all the bunking I had done in Toledo,man was it biting me in the ass now.The other kids could do the algebra and fractions with ease.I was relieved when maths was finally over,art was my final class of the period.My art teacher,Mr Clayton was a kind old man.We were simply painting which was a huge relief.I decided to paint a beautiful flower using oranges and pinks however one side of the flower was dead and drooping.I felt it somehow represented my life.The dead side to the flower was my insecurities and traumatic past which haunts me.The blooming side of the flower is how my dad and brother and my brothers friends see me,happy,cheerful,delicate,pretty and well a bit vulnerable.I was satisfied with my painting and even more satisfied when the bell went off signalling lunch.
The cafeteria was absolutely crowded,I was overwhelmed to say the least,Jughead had packed me a lunch so I thankfully didn't have to cue up with a plastic tray.My problem was I had no where to sit.I could try find my brother and his friends but I don't want do be a burden,I'm five years younger I'm sure they hate having me around....
I was thinking what to do when I got a tap on the shoulder,I turned around to see Toni with her girlfriend Cheryl.Both girls were smiling at me with bright eyes."First day going well?"Toni asked with a doubtful expression."sure is"I sighed in reply."you planning on joining my junior river-vixen team?"Cheryl added in.I furrowed my brow in confusion "River-vixens?" "It's a cheer squad"Toni butted in.I laughed "not my kind of thing,sorry"I'm super clumsy and I've never played any kind of sports in my life,a cheerleader? It'd be entertaining to watch me fail."well if you change your mind,I'm looking for new members"Cheryl said before sashaying away with Toni following behind.
Just then there was a tug on my arm,I turned around in alarm to see my brother laughing."Your not gonna spend lunch alone are you?"He asked slightly concerned.I followed him to a table his three friends were already at,an extra chair had already been pulled over for me between my brother and his girlfriend."school going as bad as you thought?"my brother asked.I looked around at the four teens to notice that they all seemed slightly concerned for me,in their eyes I was a baby who needed protection,I hated that,I am after-all fourteen!
"It's okay"was my short,toneless response."so what exactly about today was okay?"Archie chuckled."Art was fun,maths is impossible and history is just plain boring,my class is full of obnoxious,hyper kids"I replied sighing.The older teens gave me a sympathetic look before the bell rang signalling it was time to return to class.
Oof this chapter is long,hope y'all are enjoying the story so far! I have so much planned! Next chapter will just continue this chapter of Jelly's first day of school

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