32.Shooting Stars

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~Jellybean's POV~
Going back to school wasn't gonna be easy,that much I knew.
I spent last night in the Andrews' spare bedroom,my head filled with worries about Jughead kept me up most of the night.
My sleep-deprived self looked unrecognisable with the big black bags perched under my eyes and my bloodshot eyes,not to mention today was my first day back at school since my mothers death.I definitely was not looking forward to the whispers and stares,my face still scarred.
"Couldn't sleep huh?"Archie smirked placing a bowl of cereal in front of me.I shook my head as I began to shovel the sugary cereal into my mouth.
"Can't I just spend the day in the hospital?"I whined as Fred,Archie's dad,smiled sympathetically "FP gave us strict orders to send you back to school".
I jumped out of Archie's car and made way towards the dreaded building,pulling my hood up in an attempt to hide my scars.
"We missed you!!"Mae squealed,embracing me into a hug.
"Missed you too"I mumbled following them to homeroom.I took my seat next to Ashton suddenly feeling an overwhelming sense of insecurity.
"Hey..I'm um,sorry...about your mother n brother"he turned to me."thanks"I replied smiling slightly.
Man,I was starting to fall for this guy.
I was glad to be back at the hospital after school.I held my brothers hand in mine wishing he would show some sign of life,anything but he didn't.
Dad tried to make conversation,asking about my day but I could only muster up short answers.He didn't really care anyways,how could he with Jughead clinging on to life,connected to machines pumping poisons into his blood on an uncomfortable hospital bed,how?
Visiting hours weren't almost as long as they should be.Archie,Betty and Veronica brought me to Pops.
"Do you think he'll wake up?"I asked the group suddenly,tears glazing the surface of my eyes.
Betty took my hands in hers,"of course he will,it might take time but I'm confident in him,it's Jughead Jones we're talking about here"she reassured with a laugh.
I smiled before yawning.
"Hopefully you'll actually sleep tonight"Archie nudged me.
"You heard me last night?"I gasped,I paced around the cramped bedroom anxious about my brother,I didn't think anyone else in the Andrews' home would be awake,it was three in the morning but I guess Archie was worried about my brother too.
Back at Archies I found it hard to concentrate on anything.I gave up on my homework,who cares about work or teachers when my brothers dying in hospital.
I found myself "enjoying" another sleepless night sitting by the windowsill and staring at the millions of sparkling flecks,illuminating the sky.
I've always been fascinated by stars,even back in Toledo I would spend hours admiring them.Thing is they're always there,you can't always see them but you can trust that their shining above you.I liked to think that maybe Jughead and Dad would be looking at the stars and thinking of me,as I often found myself doing in Toledo.
A big,bright star caught my eye,it was falling fast through the sky.A shooting star,your supposed to wish upon those,right?
I shut my eyes,tightly and put my hands together,I'm not sure if God is real but it seems worth a shot,what was there to lose? My brother? I'll take my chances.
I prayed,prayed for my brother to wake up and to be okay,i prayed for everything to be okay.
I hope God,whoever or wherever he is,heard me.
Sorry the past few chapters kinda suck oof.
If there's anything y'all wanna see in this story,comment it below and I might consider some of your ideas??? :)

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