11.Crescent shaped scars

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~Jellybean's POV~
I slithered into the booth alongside Betty,my brothers girl.Jug was on her other side and across the table was Archie and Veronica.Jughead ordered me a strawberry milkshake and cheese burger with a side of fries.I began to eat ravenously as my brother and his friends talked.I didn't need to be here,I could be back at the trailer planning my run away but for some reason Jughead decided to bring me,he didn't want to leave me home alone,he doesn't think I'm responsible.I felt a sharp pain in the palm of my right hand,I unclenched the fist I didn't even realise I was clenching."ouch"I muttered out in pain,I thought I'd muttered it quietly but nothing seems to go unnoticed by my brother."you ok Jelly?"He asked,hiding the concern in his voice."I'm fine,I just...burnt my tongue,these fries are roasting."I lied.Jughead nodded and returned to conversation with his friends.I didn't get off as lightly as I'd hoped though,Betty noticed how uneasy I seemed.She didn't question it,she just frowned slightly to indicate that she knew I was lying.Free from the teenagers burning eyes I looked down at the damage I caused to myself on my palm.Surely enough there were five crescent shaped scars drawing blood.The sting was unbearable "excuse me" I muttered before jumping up and racing to the bathroom.Luckily the bathrooms were abandoned.I rinsed my scars gently in the sink.It stung unbearably and I began to cry.My tears weren't only because of the stinging pain on my hands,I was crying uncontrollably over everything,why doesn't my mom want me? Why doesn't anyone ever care about me for longer than a few months? Why can't my life just once have a fairytale plot line? I hate everything and everyone,no one notices how unhappy I am because I plaster on a smile and let loose a giggle and mutter the words I'm fine but I'm not,I'm not fine I never have been and I don't believe I ever will be,I don't deserve to be fine.I barely even deserve to be alive but for some ungodly reason I am.Everything happens for a reason but what is my purpose? I'm sick of waiting for a meaning of my life.I lock myself into a cubicle and wrap some toilet paper around my hand,"damn does this hurt" I mumble under my breath.I wipe the tears from my eyes and put my mask back on,it's an invisible mask which shows a happier side of me a side that doesn't exist.And slowly I slip into an unconscious sleep.Its weird,I know,how could anyone fall asleep crouched in the cramped space of a bathroom stall? Well somehow I did.
~Betty's POV~
I knew something was up with Jellybean but I knew better than to investigate.Jughead warned us how vulnerable his little sister is,I needed to gain her trust.She rushed to bathroom a while ago,Jughead presumed she was feeling sick but when she didn't return after half an hour we all got a bit worried.Veronica and I went to the bathroom to make sure she was ok.The bathroom was deserted but we could hear quiet,slow breaths from the farthest stall.Veronica lightly knocked causing a stir."Jellybean,we just want to make sure your okay" Veronica spoke quietly almost in a whisper."I'm fine,just leave me alone." Was the bitter reply from the young girl."We aren't leaving until you come with us" I calmly called out.The latch slid across and the door slowly opened revealing Jellybean.Her face was pale and tear-stained,her hair somehow knotted in clots.She looked a mess.Veronica and I exchanged worried glances,this girl was clearly hiding something,something big.I noticed the toilet paper wrapped around her hand,I took her hand in mine and carefully pulled it off,she didn't object,a look of defeat expressed upon her pale face.Veronica sat her on the sinks edge and I continued unwrapping.The toilet paper was stained with little spots of blood,not much but still alarming.I tossed the toilet paper in the bin and examined her hand.I was familiar with the crescent shaped scars littered on her palms.I raised my own hand to Jellybean's level,showing her the scars we bared,what we held in common.",you can trust me but you must know It's okay to not feel okay,you've been through so much,Juggy tells me and I just want you to know we are all always gonna be here for you,especially me,you can tell me anything"I explained to the little girl.She smiled,slightly through pursed lips and Veronica and I did our best to hide the fact that she had broken down.Why? I promised myself I would get to the bottom of this,whether Jellybean was willing or not I was going to help this kid.Back in the diner Jellybean was wedged between Jug and I,I gave jug and Archie a look,warning them not to interrogate.Jellybean fell asleep shortly leaning against her brother,her head comfortably resting on his shoulder.Veronica and I began to explain everything to the boys.They were just as worried as us,Jughead obviously more.

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