39.Back to school

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~Jellybean's POV~
I was scared to go back to school,most of the kids in my grade were at that party and they all know what happened.
Archie dropped me off as usual,I got out of the car and waved goodbye to my brother and his friends.
I walked through the corridors to my locker and began to get my books when Ashton approached me,he was rubbing the back of his head with his hand anxiously.
I smiled,"hey"as I zipped up my backpack and slung it around my shoulder.
"I just wanted to say,well,I can't get the other night out of my head"he said quickly,rushing his words.
I chuckled slightly,"neither can I"i admitted.
There was an awkward pause for a few seconds until he spoke up again,"I really like you Jellybean,do you feel the same?"
I noticed his face flushing a deep scarlet.
I couldn't contain the grin spreading across my face as i told him I also really like him.
"Well,see you around"he added awkwardly,a huge grin on his face as he turned around and sped away.
That was kinda awkward I laughed to myself before heading off to class.
I told Mae and Jamie all about it before Mrs Chapel came in and told us to take out our books and do the algebra sums on the board.
My best friends both seemed really excited and happy for me.
By the time science came around,I was kinda nervous to face Ashton,I don't exactly know why.
I slid into the seat next to him as our science teacher droned on about chemical bonding or whatever.
Ashton passed me a note,I unfolded it and read;
Pops,after school?
I smiled before scribbling a simple yes,reply underneath and passing it back to him.
He smiled as he read,looking at me and whispering,"can't wait".
For the rest of the day all I could think about was this date.
I couldn't stop daydreaming about it,nor could I get rid of the butterflies tumbling around inside me.
After school I met my brother and his friends at the gates,"I'm going to pops with a friend"i announced,Jughead met my excitement with a disapproving look,"you know your still grounded after that whole party thing right?"he reminded.
Shit.Id completely forgotten about that.
"Please,can't I go?"I begged but Jughead wouldn't give in.I was nudged into Archies car feeling super depressed.
We arrived back at the trailer and I marched to my room,slamming the door behind me.
I hadn't even had the chance to explain to Ashton why I wouldn't be meeting up with him.
He would think I was just standing him up,he'll think I don't like him.
I punched my wall in frustration and gritted my teeth as my knuckles began to bleed lightly.
Ashton's gonna hate me and there's nothing I can do to fix this.
This chapter is so short lol sorry,I'm kinda a bit uninspired atm so feel free to comment ideas or something.
Also the next chap might not be up until next week as I've ALOT of schoolwork to get through.
Lastly RIP Luke,I can't believe your gone,Riverdale won't be the same without Fred and no one could ever portray the character better.
Fly high💔💔

Jellybean Jones -return to Riverdale Where stories live. Discover now