Chapter 1

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Y/N POV (bad smut warning)

I remembered back when everything used to be so simple,I didnt have to worry about a thing,I mean how could I,I was raised in a circus along with my bestfriends jerome and jeremiah valeska,they were twins but we were all born on the same day and we would always spend it together.The twins had very different personalities but I still loved them both they were like my brothers,but one night on our 10th birthday Jeremiah came to my trailer while everyone slept he woke me up and told me he was leaving the circus,I was heart broken he wiped my tears away and kissed my cheek and handed me a present he said he would never forget me and asked that I never forget him we shared one last big hug before he headed out,when I opened the small box I found a locket and in that locket was a picture of jeremiah and I hugging,After that it was never the same,Lila who was the boys mother began to give up on Jerome after jeremiah left she began to hurt him and banged more men than usual jerome usually came to my trailer and stayed with me while he plotted against her I didnt mind though.At the age of 15 I started to 'develop' A lot and jerome took notice,it was if i was on some crazy growth hormone shit or something, but with that I started wanting to do things that wernt normal for a teenage girl,I wanted to...kill I wanted to hurt things and..people I never told jerome though I didnt want him to think I was crazy but i guess I wasn't alone...

3 Years later

I woke up and got out of bed and slipped on my locket "Jerome?" I said as I walked from jerome and I's shared bedroom "Jeromee?" I said again "In here dollface" I heard faintly from the living room I walked into the room to see jerome shirtless I blushed,You would think after 3 years of dating a man you would get used to just being around that person but with Jerome I still got butterflies whenever he was around "Like what you see beautiful?" jerome asked with a chuckle "of course handsome" I said making my way to him he leaned in and gave me a kiss I then grabbed his scarred up face and deepen the kiss he then pulled away "even though my face has been reattached a few times?" he was with a huge smile I laughed "yes J even though you beautiful face has been attached several times,you still look as handsome as ever" I spoke kissing his cheek "I have lots of work today,will you be accompanying me?" he asked sweetly "ooh sounds exciting what will we be doing?" I asked curiously "we will be hunting down a few old friends today" he said with a big smile as he slipped on a fancy shirt "and who are these old friends"I asked tilting my head slightly "Its a surprise,now get dressed"he said I walked into my room and slipped on some black high-waisted skinny jeans along with a form fitting dark red long sleeve shirt I then slipped on my high heeled combat boots I quickly curled my hair and added a little bit of eye liner,I walked back into the living room to find jerome struggling to tie his tie I chuckled a bit "what are you laughing at" he asked turning around I smiled and walked over to him beginning to fix his now knotted tie "boy oh boy" he said licking his lips "what?" I asked finishing up his tie he trailed his hands up and down my sides "you look amazing" he said kissing my head I blushed and stepped back to admire my handy work "all finished handsome"  I said he grabbed his coat of the couch and put it on handing me mine I thanked him and he stepped out the door.

Jerome's POV

I held onto Y/N hand as we made our way to a car behind our hidden home we climbed into the back seat and took off to our destination "so where are we going J?" she asked "well we are going to Mr.cobblepots house for a mandatory brunch meeting" I say look down into her beautiful eyes "the penguin,were working with him?" she asked "precisely" I say she nodded and laid her head on my shoulder right then I realized how much I love her,she is truly my one and only soft spot,we then arrived to our destination we exited the car and I proceeded to walk up to the house with my arm around Y/N's waist the door then opened and we stepped in seating ourselves at the dining table Y/N obviously by me,I dont trust these lunatics. I then began to talk with lots of enthusiasm as usual after a few moments tetch walked in with a smile my face lit up "now we just need our final ingredient" I say as I jester for the man to sit "and what is that love?" Y/N questions "I told you it will be a surprise for you babe now,shall we eat?" I ask everyone nods and we began to eat while eating Y/N keeps playing footsies with me under the table I look at her talking to the others acting like she isnt doing a damn thing she then directs her eyes to look at me she winks and I feel my heart do a back flip I then stand "excuse us but I need to have a quick word with my girlfriend about the plans" I say I give Y/N a look and she gets up following me to the bathroom I shut and lock the door pushing her into the wall kissing her roughly she smiles into the kiss I pull away making my way to her neck "J I swear if you give me a damn hickey I will stab you in the neck just like galavan" she says as I suck on her neck I pull away "im just marking whats mine"I say she pulls her shirt over head and I follow along picking her up and setting her onto the counter she then un-does my pants and I pull them down as she starts to work on her own soon enough were both naked standing in a bathroom admiring one another I then begin to get to work I push my self inside of her and she moans almost to loud she puts her hand over her mouth and I proceed to thrust trying my best not to let out any load moans Y/N connects her lips to mine then she sucks on my neck leaving little marks I groan as she sucks on my sweet spot,I stop thrusting for a moment and flip her around so she is facing the mirror I kiss her shoulder and gripping her breast I then begin to thrust harder and faster eventually we both climaxed I pulled out and we cleaned up and got dressed I kiss her one last time with as much passion as possible I pull away leaning my head on hers,"I love you,I know I dont say it enough but you need to know I love you so much,I love you more than life Y/N L/N" she smiled " I love you too Jerome valeska always have always will my handsome little criminal" she say I let out a small chuckle and peck her lips opening the bathroom door "We will be leaving now folks good day to you all" I say Y/N waves and we exit out of the large home and into the car.

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