Chapter 3

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Jerome's POV

I woke up alone,I look around but no sign of Y/N "Y/N?" I ask walking into the living room,no reply I begin to panic then the front door opens "Good Morning handsome" she says covered in blood I smile "did someone have some fun?" I asked she laughs "just a little,had to take care of someone" she says walking into the bedroom I chuckle and follow "all right beautiful,get cleaned up we have some business to attend to" I say she nods and continues to clean up and get dressed.I finished getting ready and stepped into the living room to wait for Y/N after a few moments she walked in looking amazing as usual I smiled and picked her up spinning around,I sat her down "are you ready?" I asked quite excited she nods and kisses my cheek we then head out to our destination "you wanna tell me where we're going yet?" Y/N ask looking over to me I smile "we have plans to meet up with an very old friend,im sure you remember him quiet well" I say with a laugh she thinks for a moment then nods after a while we arrive to a small diner I see Y/N give me a confused look but I take her hand and lead her into the diner I pull my gun out a fire it once to get the owners attention "hello uncle" I say with my sinister laugh I see Y/N light up I sit in one of the booths "how about some of your famous soup unc,you sure can cook up a storm" I say Y/N just sits at the breakfast bar watching the scene.I test out the soups by putting my finger in each eventually settling on one as I go to start eating uncle zack speaks up "so your with this psycho now huh Y/N?" Y/N chuckles "ya know psycho is a bit harsh dont cha think" she says pulling out her gun and twirling it around "Arnt you curious about the soup?" he says I give Y/N a confused look then look back to my uncle "dont tell me its poisoned" I said he laughs "Not at all" he says leaning back some I then take a spoon full of the soup and eat it "mm had me worried there for a moment unc" I say with a small laugh "I set out 3 bowls of soup nephew,so I would have enough for all my guests" he says I look up at him from the corner of my eye I see Y/N tense up I grab my gun and flip around to be greeted with a big muscular man he knocks my gun out of my hand and chokes me I try to fight but its no use Y/N shots he gun at the mans leg but it doesnt phase him to much he looks at her grabbing me by the collar and drags me to where Y/n is standing he takes a swing and grabs her gun then knocks her out with it "N-no You son of a bitch" I say boiling with anger I see Y/N's body hit the ground with a bloody face the big man flips me around still holding me quite tightly as uncle zack brings out a hot boiling bowl of soup he then begins to pour it onto my face as he scolds me about my whore of a mother I kick and struggle but I cant get out of the mans grip,then some one walks in,Its bot billionaire Bruce Wayne "what the hell are you doing" Bruce says watching the scene my uncle trys to make him leave but bruce keeps refusing I see Bruce look over to Y/N's body his face softens "You know its not polite to hit a lady" he says to my uncle "You tell em" I manage to say "shut up" zack yells "call the police they will come for him" bruce says taking a step closer "awe geez let em go" zack says the big man drops me to the floor as I gasp for air I look to Y/N I brush her hair out of her face "come on Y/N wake up doll" I say shaking her lightly she eventually wakes up "ugh what the hell happened" she says looking to me she sees my face "Oh my go J" she puts her hand to my face I smile softly I then stand up to see bruce throw a plate to the muscular mans face it doesnt phase him bruce and the man begin to fight I take my gun and grab uncle zack in a choke hold from behind putting my gun up to his head "enough of living old memories uncle zack" I say leaning him against the counter my gun still pointed at him "tell me what I wanna know,you know why im here" I say quite angry " I-i dont know anything" he says scared "hey jerome" I hear Y/N whisper I look over to her she smiles and points to a bottle of bleach I smile "To bad theres no more soup,I wonder what else is on the menu" I say holding the gun closer to him I hit him and he drops to the ground I grab the bleach "here comes the airplane" I say I bring the jug closer about to dump it down his fat throat when he pushes it away "A-alright I-ill tell you" he says I grin "she,she uh picked St Ignatius a school" he says "got it,lost it,write it down" I say Y/N chuckles I smile I love her laugh I look over to see bruce is still fighting the big man I grab the note with the name and begin to walk away "ill be seeing you around uncle zack,or the opposite actually" I say I shoot the pathetic man and he dies Y/N laughs I begin to clap. Looking at bruce the 2 stop fighting "boy billionaire bruce Wayne saves my life,wow didnt see that coming" I say Y/N sits there watching the scene looking quite bored I decided to try and speed things up "well the only thing that would be funnier then you saving me is if I saved you" I say pointing the gun at the tall muscular man "no" bruce says I rethink on what I had just said "ah your right I think you two should keep fighting" I say with a smile "continue" I add just then a girl walks in Y/N turns around and when her eyes meet the girls she freezes.

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