Chapter 5

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Jerome's POV

It was finally time for my plan to officially start,just a few more steps "Y/N lets go we have big plans for today my love" I shouted from the living room as I slipped on my coat "coming" she simply says I hear her step into the living area I turn around to see her 'stunning' I simply thought "wow" I say she looks up "what?" she ask I smile and take her hand twirling her around she giggles "lets go loser" she says pulling me towards the door I smile even bigger.

-Time skip brought to you by Jeremiah's glasses-

We had arrived at our destination which was wayne plaza I step out of the car gun in hand Y/N then steps out gun in her hand as well I open the front door and hold it open "lady's first" I say bowing "your such a dork" she says laughing I walk in behind her "Yea but i'm your dork" I say we continue up to the front desk of the large building "hi i'm here to see Xander Wilde" I pause and toss my gun up onto my shoulder "and no I dont have an appointment" I say with a smile the lady points then runs screaming "Oh dont bother going to security,there all headless" I say Y/N laugh's and follows my lead as we make our way up the stairs. Once on the 2nd floor we our met with a group of people who seem to be having a meeting I cock my gun everyone turns and directs their attention towards Y/N and I "oh dont get up,this wont take long" I say I continue on "just tell me what I gotta know and no one gets killed" I finish "p-please dont hurt anyone" the old man says I pay no attention to him and lean up against the table "where is Xander Wilde" I say with an annoyed face they all looked at each other speechless I looked over to Y/N she smiled and nodded I then fired my gun at one of the men at the meeting he flew back out of his chair Y/N laughed.After poking,prodding,and some threats the man finally gave in "I only ever c-comunicated with him through a proxy I swear" he spoke I huffed I grabbed the man by the tie wrapping it around my hand "So that slippery lil sucker thinks he can hide from me" I said quite annoyed with the man I tugged his tie pulling him closer as well as holding the gun up to his head "Tell me were I can find this proxy"I said just then I heard the GCPD Y/N jumped up gun loaded and ready I shot the pathetic fool after he gave up everything I needed I grabbed Y/N's hand as we hopped down the stairs "jimbo ol buddy ol pal" I said quite excited "Give it up clown boy!" bullock yelled they shot but we took cover behind a stone pillar I then stepped out with my hands up "hey" I paused "knock knock " I state firefly then comes behind the 2 and off goes her flame thrower I grab Y/N's gand and run Y/N points her gun at the 2 "your suppose to day whos there " she says with a sinister laugh we get out of the building safely and into the car we sit there for a moment both out of breath we look at each other and laugh as the driver starts the car and drives I lean in and catch her pretty little plump lips in a kiss she pulls away and smiles as she leans back "who is Xander Wilde?" Y/N ask curiously "I told you a thousand times gorgeous its a surprise" I reply booping her cute little nose she swats my hand away and leans her head on my shoulder I smile and kiss the top of her head,after that the rest of the car ride was silent as we made our way home.

A/N:probably a lot of typos but not too sure,sorry about my writing schedule btw ive been really busy with school (high school sucks btw) and its been kinda hard to get good quality chapters up but Ill try my best to write more often,love yall and ill see ya in the next chapter

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