Chapter 12

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Jeremiah's POV:
I awoke from my slumber shooting up faster than a rocket I was sweating and hyperventilating from the nightmare I had 'Jerome' I whispered he was in my head and wouldnt leave me alone he was after me he wasnt dead be was alive and he was going to kill me and take Y/N. I let out a sigh and turned my head to find Y/N gone my heart stopped and my eyes widened "Y/N" I called when I got no response I got out of bed throwing on some dress pants I had next to my bed I stepped out of my room calling out for Y/N again "Y/N where are you love?" Still no response she is gone,Jerome probably took her I knew it! I step into the bathroom looking into the mirror,my face was pale and my once ginger hair was beginning to transition,my eyes were now a grayish color and my lips were now red instead of a soft pink 'whoa' I let out in a whisper I touched my face running my fingers across my face. "Hello brother" I hear I jump back from the mirror my back hitting the wall behind me I turn back to the mirror and I see him "NO GO AWAY" I scream he laughs and continues on "oh shut up you big baby" he says harshly I rub my eyes vigorously and jerome's figure disappears I run out of the bathroom to be met with Jeromes laughing I run again this time to my office the lauging contiues and I am left in a state of perpetual frustration "GO AWAY!" I scream grabbing my gun shooting in the direction of the laughing I hear a gasp my eyes focus and I see Y/N shock spread throughout her face as she slowly looks down to her shoulder my eyes follow her gaze and I see her shirt soaking up all of her thick crimson red blood,I drop my gun I begin to mame my way over to her "Y/N I-" I am cut off by her laughing her laughter gets louder she makes her way to my desk calming her self as she takes a seat on top of my desk "Wow that was funny" she says taking off her shirt to expose her wound she looks at me worry filling her big bright eyes "J come here" she says softly holding out her hand I walk closer to her speechless and emotionless,she takes my rough hand into her small soft ones with a small smile and pulls me closer "it's the gas" she says taking her other hand and bringing it to my face my eyes meet hers "the gas?" I manage to ask she nods "the insanity gas,it is changing us physically and mentally" she pauses and ber smile grows she leans in and kisses me at first I dont kiss back but then eventually I melt into it she pulls away and continues her previous sentence "dont fight the feeling J" she finishes I smile finally regaining some sense she hops off the desk making her way to the bathroom I follow her and lean on the door way and smile she grabs the first aid kit she then takes the bottle of peroxide and dumps it inside the wound not even flinching just a smile on her pretty face she the proceeds to use the tweezers and other medical epuipment provided to pull out the bullet and stitch up her shoulder cleaning up all the blood off her soft skin and wrapping it in gauze I begin to admire her body as she stands there in her red lacey bra and black high waisted skinny jeans her Y/H/C falls perfectly around her face as she happily skips out of the bathroom and begins to rummage through bag for a new shirt I slowly make my way over to her like a predator stalking its prey,I snake my arms around her waist and bite down onto her neck like a thirsty vampire she lets out a throaty moan and I drives me crazy I then begin to suck and lick leaving a trail of hickeys swallowing up each precious noise that she makes as she slightly squirms,she turns and kisses up my jaw making her way to my ear which she then bites down on and I let out a small groan she kisses my neck,cheeks,nose and then my lips,she begs for entrance and I gladly give it to her we then begin to fight for dominance it doesnt take long for me to win just as things began to heat up more my phone rings annoyingly I pull away letting out a groan I pick up the phone checking the caller ID 'Bruce' it reads I kiss Y/N lips one more time and then answer the phone "Hello Bruce how are you" I ask he begins to speak about wanting to come over and talk about building aspects about my 'generators' "Yea that sounds great I will see you soon" I say hanging up when I turn around I see Y/N already changed into new clothing "hey I wasnt finished with you doll" I said with a smirk her cheeks turn red and she gets up on her tip toes giving me a kiss on the cheek "we can finish later I promise" she says I smile I look at the time "Well I have to get ready anyways" I tell her plainly she nods and I begin to get dressed,once I finished up I made my way to the bathroom looking in the mirror 'shit' I breathe out I think for a second "Y/N" I call out I hear her small footsteps mame their way to the bathroom "whats up love?" She ask "I need you to cover up my face somehow bruce cant see this" I explain she nods stepping infront of me and opening up a drawer pulling out some makeup and brushes "sit on the toilet you are to tall" she says I chuckle listening to her she the beging to add things to my face her constantly telling to stay still,after about an hour she announces she is finished, I look into the mirror and see I look just like I used to I smile and turn to
Y/N "today is going to be spectacular" I say she flashes a big smile and I begin to laugh I have big plans for Gotham.

A/N:Helllooo this chapter is unedited so probably LOTS of spelling errors and grammar mistakes oops,but how is everyone,is anyone back in school yet? I almost am and im not happy Lol also my birthday is in 2 months yeet imma finna be 16😂

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