Chapter 8

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I sat there staring at the wall in the bedroom,I was feeling lots of different things but couldnt figure out what was wrong with me I felt something new and I didnt know whether to feel scared or excited? I confused my self as I went into deeper thought "hey princess you okay?" Jerome asked I slowly turned to meet his eyes he pooked concerned "im fine handsome dont worry about lil ol me" I told him he gave me a soft smile which I returned "you think you feeling up to finishing our big project" he asked getting all giddy I laughed "of course" I simply replied he jumped up and went to get ready as did I,I shook the odd feelings I had sighed as I pulled out clothes 'today should be fun,right?' Ai thought.

-tImE sKiP-
"Okay so you know the plan" jerome said "how could I not you repeated it a million times" I said with a smile he simply laughed "okay go time beautiful" he said planting a soft slow kiss onto my lips before going up onto the big stage.Jerome and I hopped up onto the big giant stage he knocked out the singer on the stage and took his microphone "HELLO GOTHAM"jerome yells into the mic I cant help but smile jerome rants into the mic for a while and I sit and watch but something catches my attention "bring me bruce,and bring me my brother,bring them now!" Jerome says in a demanding tone my breath hitches 'is he going to kill Jeremiah' I think to myself the thought made me sick sure I kill people but,Jeremiah.I shook it off and put my head in the game "I dont like waiting guess we will blow some brains" jerome sings "dont bother" I say with a smile he looks at me and skip my way to him and steal the dead man switch pushing the 3rd button killing an officer I laugh a crazy laugh "wow my kitten is sexy" Jerome says as be makes his way to me he grabs me and twirls me dipping me down placing a kiss on my lips just then I hear Gordans voice jerome slowly pulls away pulling me up with him "look who has arrived" I said with a smirk jerome lets ho of my waist and slowly walks forward "Ill sit up there with one of those things around my neck but you wont have him" Gordon yelled jerome wasnt having it though "Well I dont want you jim I want bruce" jerome seethed they sat there going back and forth untill jerome finally got what he wanted bruce,and Jeremiah sweet sweet jeremiah,as bruce slowly walked to the stage looking at me as if he was studying me,i let him I then look to jeremiah he looks at me with those big beautiful eyes,I could get lost in them I shook my head I couldnt still love him,I havnt seen him in years and I was with jerome now.I looked away
I look to jerome and watch his smile grow wide,he then turned his attention to me a sauntered over he need brought his lips to my ear "im gonna be king of Gotham and your gonna be my beautiful queen" he whispered kissing my cheek I blushed he never failed to make me feel good.jerome went to put the dead mans choker onto his brother and I did the same to bruce as I was tightening it bruce pulled onto my arm and I pulled away "Y/N please just listen" he pleaded I gave in and squatted down "I know you love him but I can help you,I can get you out of trouble,You can have a normal life again,I know you wernt always like this" he explained I always thought about what it would have been like if I hadnt stayed with Jerome,if i had a normal life,but then I would sit in jeromes arms in our cozy home and be happy "your right I wasnt always like this,and yes I do love him,and thats why I do this,I dont wanna hurt you bruce" I sighed I had never told anyone this I was a closed off person "then dont hurt me" he said looking into my eyes,something then clicked in my brain and the words came out wernt expected "im not going to hurt u bruce" I paused and smirked standing up "he is" I finished pointing at jerome who laughed.Jerome sat and teased his brother untill gordon actually took action,he shot his gun at first I thought he missed untill I turned to jerome who was on the ground shoulder bleeding "JEROME RUN NOW!" i yelled he scooted away and ran down the alley "FIREFLY FLAMES PLEASE" I yelled trying to create any type of distraction she used her flame thrower but gordon ducked runnung away to chase Jerome I worried,I turn and see Jeremiah I squat down "J are you okay?" I asked genuinely worried all I got was a cough tgat was enough for me I hopped down from the stage a ran as fadt as my little legs would take me I heard a gun shot on top of the gotham radio station and ran up to the roof to see gordon looking over the ledge "NO" I screamed I ran to where gordon was to see Jerom hanging on to a pole "Jerome what the hell" I yelled while crying "Y/N you need to leave princess,daddy is a little busy" he said even in the worse situations he had to joke around jim reached for his hand "Jerome take his damn hand right now" I said angry crying jerome smiled "I love you more than anything Y/N but I need to do this,Ill be back soon beautiful" he explained I seen a single tear run down his cheek "J please I love you" I said choking on tears,he smiled and let go laughing as he fell "NOOOOOOO" I screamed crying violently.I ran as fast as I could from the scene and away from gordon.Jerome was gone and I couldn't change that

Soo this is like kinda bad but At least I updated?😂 theres probably lots of typos but eh Im not gonna fix em😂 its kinda my brand to suck at spelling and stuff so yea enjoy.

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