Chapter 17

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I began to run from the building but soon came to a stop not knowing what to do. 'Should I wait for J?' I thought another thought came up 'Do I leave and look for Ecco?' I felt stumped,defeted,and vulnerable. I had so many things rushing through my mind and began to have a panic attack,unable to breath or see straight,my legs turned to jello and I felt wobbly. I began to cry as I fell onto all 4's on the sidewalk,crawling to lean up against a wall. Why was I acting like this I had never been like this,ever since Jerome died I feel like im not myself,I love Jeremiah so much but after Jeromes death something clicked and I feel lost. I was pulled out of my crying,weary daze when I heard a familiar voice "Y/N! is that you!?" I looked up and was met with Eccos face I smiled weakly "Come on lets get you up and going" she said leaning me up against her shoulder and bringing me to a car. I sat in the passenger side while Ecco drove,I had finally stopped crying and the panic attack died down "H-hey um Ecco" I said turning my face to her "yea?" she said keeping her eyes on the road "um could you possibly not tell Jeremiah about this?" I asked,I didnt want him to think I was weak and couldnt handle a job "Tell him what? I found you running" She said with a small smile,I nknew she understood what I meant and I apprectiated her being so understanding. "thanks Ecco" I said with a weak smile as I looked out the window eventually being lulled to sleep.

-baby time skip-

I woke up to Ecco gently shaking me "come on Y/N wake up were here" she said I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and streached a bit before looking out of the window to be met with a large building, I got out of the car "Ecco where are we" I asked curiously as I followed her "This is where we will be staying for a bit other plans fell out so now we are here,Boss will be here later" she explained as she guided me inside "there is a bathroom upstairs go clean up" Ecco said I nodded and made my way to the bathroom turning on the water,I stripped off my dirty clothing and stepped into the hot steamy water,immediately greeted by an awful sting from my leg I look down at the gun shot wound and sighed,ignoring the pain and washed my hair and body thouroughly making sure to get all the dirt and blood off my skin. Once I finished I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower drying off and wrapping a towel around my body finding a First aid box on the counter I opened it up and grabbed cleaning solution as well as bandages and gauze. I sat on the toilet lid and cleaned my wound,putting on bandages and wrapping gauze around it all to secure it. Sitting up I stepped out only to be met with Ecco "This is bags of new clothing,makeup and other stuff,the old stuff went with the bunker when it blew" she explained I nodded and thanked her. I opened up the bag looking through all of the expensive clothing that was inside,most of the outfits were dresses,after looking through all of the outfits I settled on a black longsleeved,turtle neck dress that went to the knee,it had a slit across the chest,paired with it a pair of high heeled black combat boots.

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I put on the outfit,grabbing the bag full of makeup and hair supplies taking it into the bathroom,I dried my hair and began to curl it in loose curls,once I finished I applied some light makeup

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I put on the outfit,grabbing the bag full of makeup and hair supplies taking it into the bathroom,I dried my hair and began to curl it in loose curls,once I finished I applied some light makeup. After I finished everything I looked in the mirrior,I was satisfied but a little upset that I could still see the bandage job on my thigh,but I brushed it off with a sigh. Ecco stepped into the small room and looked at me with a small smile "Ms.Y/N you have a visitor" she said I looked at her curiousity filling my eyes but nevertheless I followed down the stairs,the room was dim but I could make out a figure hunched over a desk,when the person heard us enter he stood straight up,Ecco walked out leaving me alone. "darling you had me worried for a second" I immediately knew the voice and I grew excited and happy,Jeremiah turned around and looked me up and down admiring my attire letting a small smile creep onto his face "come" he spoke I obeyed and slowly made my way to him,he sat on the large desk grabbing my hands and pulling me closer to him,his hand trailing to my patched up wound his hand gently grazing it. "Are you hurt darling?" he asked looking up at me "no" I spoke "dont lie to me" he said in a deep stern voice that scared me "N-no J,I was injured b-but Im fine i-it doesnt hurt I promise" I spoke but more stuttered. His hands roamed up my body and rested on my waist "Kiss me" he said without hesintation I leaned in and kissed his soft but chapped,plump lips putting my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer. He pulled away and looked into my eyes "darling do love me?" he asked "Of course Jeremiah" I gave him a confused look "Would you die for me?" he asked "yes" I said before I could say anything else he asked another question "Would you live for me?" he asked I thought for a moment to understand his question then spoke up "Yes of course" I spoke "Promise?" he questioned I felt genuine confusion on why he was asking this but didnt let it get to me "I promise" I said softly "May I kiss you?" I asked,his lips curled upwards "you may my darling" he said in a whisper I leaned in once again capturing his lips in a kiss,he hardend the kiss and I could feel his hands cup my butt pulling away he attacked my neck with bites and kisses "jump" he whispered against my ear and I obeyed hopping up onto his lap straddiling him. "Lets play" he whispered as he lifted my dress up. Tonight was going to be a long night but I wasnt complaining I was happy in this moment.

A/N:I've been MIA sorry yall,school is a pain. I love yall and I hope to update soon.

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