Chapter 16

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I sat in the chair almost completely free from the ropes. It has been about 30 minutes since Oswald called Jeremiah and I had felt semi scared that he maybe wouldnt come for me but I pushed the thought to the back of my head. “Oswald is he coming or not!” Butch pestered him for the 90th time “jesus Butch shut the hell up” I snapped causing him to give me a glare “ how bout I shut you up” he said walking over grabbing duct tape and something else that I couldnt see,I struggled but he eventually was able to tape a grenade in my mouth,I tried screaming but it was no use. I was beyond frustrated at this point I felt so weak,I bet Jeremiah would be disgusted,I missed Ecco I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Jeremiah’s voice, my head shot up I went to speak but the tape on my mouth just made it sound like muffled nothings,I seen Jeremiah’s eyes slightly widened “oswald Cobblepot,Barbra Kean and is that my darling Y/N with a grenade taped to her mouth and my core relay” he spoke in his low monotone voice taking his hat off,he looked like he was still changing physically for his eyes were no longer the bright green orbs they once were and his skin looked much lighter along with his hair no longer being fiery orange but now an extremely dark green. “Indeed it is” Oswald said “well it looks like you have the upperhand” Jeremiah stated, “undoubtedly”Oswald spoke,Jeremiah eyed me down seemingly looking for wounds “And now we have our own demands” Oswald spoke again, Jeremiah directing his attention back to him “Please sit” Oswald spoke Jeremiah grabbed a chair sitting down ‘was he really going to just listen to him’ I thought frantically struggling in the chair more “50 million dollars” Oswald stated “50 million dollars? Thats what you want?” Jeremiah questioned “its a nice round number” oswald stated “I dont quite have that on me right now” spoke whilst looking down at his lap “you gave the mayor 6 hours to evacuate Gotham an impossible task,let him by another hour,he will save thousands of lives 50 million dollars will seem cheap” Oswald explained trying to bargain with him Jeremiah looked up at the man, “I see I play the villain and you get you off scott free and rich” Jeremiah spoke with a hint of disgust showing on his face,Oswald shook his head making a ‘ya I guess so’ face “I get you the money you give me back my core relay and Y/N” he spoke as if he was working out the situation,all of a sudden he looked at me with a small smirk and winked,what was he thinking,he quickly looked back to Barbra as she began to speak “that is usually how a hand-off works,ya” she said lowly and sarcastically,by now I was able to get my hands free picking up a small pocket knife off the floor that I had found,Jeremiah watching me from the corner of his eye. “You drive a hard bargain but ill see what I can do” he spoke with a small smile “just like that,knowing your brother I expected something more” Barbra spoke but Jeremiah finished for her “insane? Oh im nothing if not sane,and reasonable”he stopped to pull out his phone from his coat pocket,2 things my brother never valued thats why ill be successful where he failed,that and well” he paused looking up at the group making heavy eye contact “well being vastly more intelligent” he finished looking back at me behind the group seeing I was free and had a plan. I noticed an exit door next to me,all I had to do was cut the grenade away and run out the door. He looked back at the group smiling “now to see about your money” he spoke as he got on the phone. While the group was distracted barking at one another I quickly and carefully cut the tape away and sat the bomb down and booked it for the door quietly slipping out.

Jeremiah’s POV:
I got on the phone looking back behind Oswald,Barbra and the others seeing that Y/N had slipped out of the back door the others too busy to notice as they watched me carefully as they quabbled “hello this is Jeremiah Valeska,I would like to speak to the mayor I have additional demands” I spoke to no one“r-really?” she tried to sound annoyed but failed as I could hear the fear in her voice “Yes really” I mocked back “o-okay what shall I add” she spoke quickly “50 million unmarked bills,ill tell you the location” I spoke in a hushed tone walking away some,”one second while I put you on hold” the receptionist spoke putting me on hold “perfect” I whispered to myself I look over to the group seeing them babble “would you believe it they put me on hold” I spoke cutting them off,they all pointed their attention towards me they stood cluelessly “well” I said squatting down grabbing the bazooka I had one of the cult members plant earlier “there’s always plan number two” I spoke bringing the weapon up to aim “GET DOWN” Barbra yelled “WAIT” Oswald shouted with her I ignored both pulling the trigger,the blast kicking me back slightly,screams were heard and I stood back up straight walking back into my spot to admire the damage I had caused “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND” Oswald screamed angrily “why do you keep insisting im insane” I stepped closer “whats so insane about having a back-up plan hm?” I questioned “turn around,what do you not see, Y/N” I spoke they all turned “Thats probably because you blew her the hell up” Oswald spoke I chuckle and shook my head “No no,we created a plan right in front of you,but you were to stupid to realize that she snuck out the back door” I spoke,I felt proud of her “oh and so you know this building is in the blast radius and because of you interference im gonna dedinate the bomb as soon as im far enough to observe the destruction in peace” I explained in a harsh tone “NO YOU PROMISED THE CITY 6 HOURS” Barbra shouted “and who’s fault is it that I changed my mind” I fired back I turned to my group of people “rewire the bombs to work in direct sequnce and the res of you,kill these idiots” I explained whilst running away and  out of the building into the outside world.

A/N:Hi I updated what a shocker right? hehe I plan on trying to update pretty soon so be on the look out for that,Love you all.

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