Chapter 9

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Jeremiah's POV:
I managed to get away from the crazy Jerome terror party that was happening,It was now night time and I was starting my walk home I turned a corner and there I saw him "Jerome" I said under my breath he was gone,dead,on top of a car,with his sinister smile.I felt a tear slide down my cheek,sure he was insane but he was still my brother my own flesh and blood another tear fell I wiped it away quickly as I seen gordon,I proceeded to walk pass them but was stopped by Bruce "Mr.Valeska" he said I turned around to acknowladge the boy "I meant what I said about your work being of impotance to this city" he paused It felt nice hearing someone ecknowladge my work,bruce continued on "let Wayne enterprises fund your work with a grant" he finished I felt amazing,and excited,something I havnt felt in years,he couldnt be serious,jesus he was serious I could tell by his face and tone of voice.this is what I needed to re-invent Gotham,Give Gotham a new face ,I took his hand and shook it "thank you" I said I then walked off,I had lots of thoughts flowing through my head when I heard a noise,I flenched out of fear,then I heard cries out of curiousity I followed the noise it got louder and louder untill I found the source,my eyes widened "Y-Y/N" her head shot up her eyes were red and puffy,she was crying,I never really saw her cry when we were kids but there were a few times I did,Jerome had usually beat me to cheer her up but one day he wasnt at the trailer

I was sitting in the trailer alone,jerome had gone to shovel up elephant dung and mother was out drinking.I heard the trailer door swing open and figured it was jerome untill I heard a sniffle my head shot up I saw Y/n red and puffy eyes,tears streaming down her perfect face,she had blood on her shirt,she wiped away her tears upon seeing me "is jerome here?" she asked quietly with a voice crack "no" I simply said my heart broke for her I loved her too much to see her hurt I walked over to her and grabbed her hand pulling her to follow me she did,I took her to my room and shut the door I stepped over to my closet and pulled out a t-shirt and gave it to her "you should change,you look a lil dirty" I said with a small smile she nodded "turn around" she said I rolled my eyes and turned once she was done I turned back around and we stared at each other,her eyes became glossy and she began crying again running to me and hugging me I hugged back mumbling into her ear we stood like that for a while untill she stopped crying."go lay in my bed, get some rest ill take you back to your trailer later" I told her she nodded and went to lay on my bed she stopped in her tracks and turned "J-j,can you c-come lay down w-with me please?" she asked while staring at her feet I smiled sweetly "Of course" I said we then went to my bedroom and laid down and fell asleep in eachothers arms.
--End of Flashback--

I shook my head and sat by y/n "hey whats wrong" I asked I went to touch her shoulder she flenched and I stopped "why the hell do you care" she said bitterly "I care because I love you" I said she turned and looked at me "really,is that why you havnt talked to me in years"she paused and stood up "you said you would talk to me every day after you left and guess what we only talk for 6 months after you left then you f*cking ghosted me" she said full of anger I sighed "okay your angery I am truly f*cking sorry,I love you and I hurt you,Im sorry,I want to be here for you though I found you and  dont want to loose you again,I never stopped thinking about you for one second I promise you that" I blurted out,her face softend she then stepped up to me and hugged me and I hugged back whispering sorry into her ear over and over again,the hug reminded me of when we were kids,we pulled away she wiped her face "Jerome is dead J he is gone what am I supposed to do now?" she stated desperatly looking for an answers she seemed tired mentallya nd physically "you move on,as hard as it is you gotta keep going and live your life" I told her holding her small hand she gave a small smile "alright come on" I said grabing her hand "what where" she said confused "Your coming home with me my love" I told her with a hum she opened her mouth to say something but decided against it she gave my hand a squeeze and followed me through the alley's of Gotham.

A/N:Heyo sooo again Ive been MIA and III amm trying to come up with some stuff which hopefully can happen since i'm out of school for the summer YAAAA,I'm gonna be a Junior in highschool which is a little scary but hey what can you do lol,I'm really to lazy to check this for typos so if there are any which there probably is thenn please dont come at me lol,anyywayss have a great dayyyy

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