Chapter 13

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Jeremiah's POV:I rose kissed Y/N and made my way to my office to wait for bruce I sat down going through certain files I didnt want Bruce to see yet when I heard the monitor go off signaling Bruce's arrival I took one last check in the mirrior to make sure I looked okay then buzzed him in he entered my office and I smiled "hello Bruce,welcome" I exclaimed he gave me a smile "hello Jeremiah" he replied sticking his hand out to shake mine,I accepted and began disscusing and testing the 'generator' "it looks amazing" Bruce said which caused me to smile I looked down at my feet 'maybe he didnt mean it,maybe it was a lie' "truly Jeremiah,its amazing" he said with a reassuring smile we began disscusing my brother I told him how I felt and what I was experincing I even ended up telling him about the gas Jerome sprayed me with "its just the gas Jeremiah its not real,its all in your head" he tried to explain which didnt really help I thought it was real I seen him earlier,it was all real. "I can prive it to you Jeremiah" he stated I looked at him with a quizzical expression "I can take you to where he is buried and show you he is there and not alive but in the ground" he explained,I was uncertain of the idea it sound terrifing "n-no I dont know bruce" I tried to back out he put his hand on my shoulder "Jeremiah he took away your greatest strength,your mind" he said I looked into his eyes and finally gave in "o-okay let me just go tell Y/N Ill be leaving" I stated he nodded and I walked up the stairs to the bedroom to find Y/N in Short shorts and a sports bra laying on her stomach watching the television,I smiled at the sight and smacked her ass which caused her let out a squeak and giggle which was the most beautiful noise ever I kissed her lips and pulled away "I have to leave with Bruce to go over some bussiness plans,shouldnt be to long ill be back soon love" she nodded and pecked my lips laying back down in her position I then walked out of the bedroom meeting Bruce once again in the office "Ready?" he asked I nodded and lead the way out to the car where we got in and began to drive

-Time skip brought to you by Barbra's red hair in season 5-
Bruce's POV:
I drove down the eerie roads of Gotham to the cemetery,I glance over to Jeremiah and see him fidgeting with his coat sleeves as he looked out the window,I worried for him for he seems like such a good man and Jerome had to go fuck everything up. We arrived to the cemetery in no time and I unbuckled and stepped out of thw car,Jeremiah lingered inside the car for a few moments then slowly stepped out taking in his surroundings his eyes finally meeting mine with a worried expression I look around then begin to walk "Shouldnt be far I think its right up here" I say again he stalls for a moment then begins to follow me we walk over the small hill and down a couple of the trails until I finally spotted it from afar "I see it its right there" I state whilst pointing in the direction of the grave,as we got closer I see that the grave is dug up,Jeromes body nowhere in sight "Okay,its just his f-" Im cut off my Jeremiah yelling frantically whist backing up "N-no I t-told you Bruce I-i" he shouts then takes off running "Jeremiah come back its just his followers they are sick" I yell while running he disappears from my sight "shit" I sigh looking around my eyes landing on the building before me I run inside,its dark only a few lights lighting up the small hallway "Jeremiah? We need to leave its not safe" I call out,I slowly stride down the hallway "were leaving now,Jerome is alive" he replies still out of sight "no Jeremiah I tried telling you its his followers,they dug them up they are sick" I call out trying to explain to him I felt sad at this time for him "h-how can I-I trust you if you wont believe me" he questions "you can trust me because im your friend" I state I really wanted to help him and move forward with him and with his project finally,he steps out slowly "I want you to be my friend Bruce" he pauses very slowly striding towards me he starts speaking again "you dont know what it was like,living underground" he sounded so saddend as he spoke "All those years and then you came along and offered me everything I could dream of" he finished "because I believe in you Jeremiah we are gonna do great things for gotham" I say,he steps closer "I-I thought we would" he says plainly "we still can all we need to do is get out of here" I try to persuade him to leave he continues walking towards me "first all we had to do was come to the cemetery now all we have to do is leave,s-see thats very confusing so tell me again Bruce why did you really bring me here" he further questions me "I-I thought it would help But I was wrong we need to leave-" Im cut off by Jeremiah whipping out a gun and shooting towards we "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I yell raising my hands taking a step back frantically "you think I didnt know what you were doing from the moment you suggested coming here!" He said raising his voice still pointing the gun at me I felt confused at his statement "Jeremiah what are you talking about!?" I asked "Stop pretending to be my friend Bruce!" He paused "I know whats really happening,you can fool everyone else but I know you made a switch and you cant hide not even behind that new face of yours" he paused again "I know its you,I know its you Jerome" he finished in an slightly harsh tone "Jeremiah give me the g-" Im cut off again by Jeremiah shooting the gun again at me I jump back hands still raised "Turn around brother" he states, I stay silent not complying at first "I SAID TURN AROUND"he yells I turn around not wanting to upset him further I didnt know what I was gonna do I just wanted to leave and get him help "you killed my friend bruce" he says sadly "now its time to put you back in your grave" be pushes me harshly "WALK" be says and I do as I can feel the presence on the gun behind me,what was I going to do?

A/N:Holaaaa I didnt go through and check for any typos soooo there might be a few...a few hundred lol,I hope yall are doing good and having a great day and I hope your getting into the spoopy season lol Srry the updates are so random and such like ive said before ive been really caught up in school but again like I say every freaking A/N I make I will try my best to update,love yall you lil gothamites lol

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