Chapter 15

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Jeremiah’s POV:
I walked away from the grave that now contained both Bruce and my brother,as I strode my phone rang the caller ID reading Ecco’s name.I quickly answer “Yes?” I said with an almost questioning tone “Boss Y/N is gone,I came to the bunker to grab her but she wasnt here just a puddle of blood” she explained with a small sniffle,jesus she could be so sentimental sometimes but then my mind processed what she had said,Y/N is gone? Blood? Is she okay? I began to panic “find her” I said quickly and hung up picking up my pace as I made my way to the car a big triumphant boom sounded off I looked up seeing the explosion “Jim Gordon is dead” I spoke to myself with a smile,quickly entering the car and starting it. “Okay think Jeremiah,who took her,who hurt her,where could she be” I spoke to myself after I pulled into the driveway of the new location I had set up for after the explosion exiting quickly and making my way inside,I went to the room and changed into different clothes and wiped off any excess makeup left on my face revealing my new face that my brother so kindly gave me I scoffed at the thought off him. I made my way to the office grabbing the 2 dead man's buttons I had,one set off all bombs and one only triggered the bomb in the clock tower,I decided I would use it as a tactic to threaten the GCPD into giving me what I wanted.

I heard voices shouting,I couldn't see and I couldn't move but I could tell I was tied up. “GREAT JOB PENGUIN YOU TOOK HER NOW WE ALL ARE GONNA SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES” I heard a female yell it sounded like Barbra,I hadn't seen her in ages. “NO BARBRA THIS IS GOOD DONT BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE,WE KEEP HER GET MONEY SAVE GOTHAM AND WE ALL WIN” I could tell it was oswald “and we cure Butch” said a voice I couldnt regonize “Yes and cure Butch” Oswald sighed. By now I was able to open my eyes and regain all feeling which meant my leg began to hurt. I pulled my head up looking at the people in front of me “wakey wakey Y/N!” Oswald cheered I gave him a dirty look “I promise you Jeremiah WILL KILL YOU AND MAKE SURE YOU SUFFER YOU FREAK” I raised my voice whilst trying to get free from the ropes holding my wrist “Oh please you really think Jeremiah is gonna come for you,even if he did come he wouldnt be coming for you” Oswald spoke with a smirk,inches away from my face I spit on him causing him to raise his hand and smacking me hard “YOU SON OF A-” I was cut off by Barbra “ENOUGH” she shouted towards Penguin,I licked my bottom lip feeling the split that was now there and tasting the blood dripping. “Listen Y/N lets make this easy” Barbra spoke softly “are you serious Babs” I asked her looking into her eyes she said nothing “Fuck you” I said leaning my face towards her she looked half hurt but I could tell she didnt care about me anymore “Oswald when do you plan on calling Jeremiah” a said a familiar looking woman,she had darker smooth looking skin and dark brown hair “DONT RUSH ME,im doing it right now” Oswald said harshly,the woman rolled her eyes and walked closer to me “hey you come here” I said she looked at me oddly but did as I asked “what do you want Y/N” she said bluntly,she new my name,I definetly knew her “Where do I know you from” I asked she gave me a ‘are you joking’ face but when she seen I wasnt joking she answered “Tabitha Galavan,Theo’s sister,ya know the same man that killed her crazy lil ex boyfriend” she said,oh my god thats how I knew her,I immediately remembered. I couldnt say anything and she noticed smirking slightly and walking away I wanted to hate her for Jerome but she didnt help him,but I still hated her for the very situation Im stuck in. “Alright I got Jeremiah to agree to come,I told him we had Y/N and his core relay” he said triumphantly I glared at him and started thinking of a way to get out.

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