Chapter 10

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Jeremiah had found me and was now taking me to his home,I was heart broken.The first time Jerome had died was hard now it is even harder knowing he is gone for good this time,my loving,crazy,red headed J is gone and I couldnt get over it,not yet. Jeremiah and I had finally arrived to his home it was hidden away from Gotham.He lead me through to his office,the lights were dim and there were files and papers everywhere. "welcome to my office" Jeremiah finally spoke with a smile I chuckle and look around "Its a lovely office J" I speak his cheeks go red which I find cute. "would you like a drink?" Jeremiah ask I shake my head "no thank you" I reply with a small smile he nods and walks over to his desk,there lies a purple gift box with a big bow on top , he sets down his drink and reads the tag "looks like bruce dropped off something" Jeremiah speaks I sit up and stand next to him "well open it,lets see what it is" I say quite curious he chuckles and begins to un-wrap the box only to be met with another box this one being wooden,he fiddles with it until it pops open I jump back then a purple mist sprays out jeremiah drops the box "JEREMIAH" I yell running to his side he shakes and looses control I look back to the box realizing who did this "J-jerome" I say under my breath
I stepped out of the shower and went into the bedroom to find Jerome on the bed tinkering around with a toy of some sort,"What cha go there J" I asked making my way to the closet,"Just somethinf for our little mission" he says setting it down on the night stand next to the bed
"shit" I say aloud the smoke in the room surrounds jeremiah and I we both find it hard to breath and I begin to hallutinate as I drop then I hear him,I hear his raspy voice,the voice that I missed so much "Jerome?" I ask but got no direct response,I lay on the floor trying to crawl to jeremiah my eyes slowy closing as I begin to see darkness,I become to weak to move I look to see Jeremiah laying on the ground,the last thing I hear is jeromes voice "Burn it down brother" then darkness.

Jeremiah's POV:
My eye's slowly flutter and my head is invited with a headache,I begin to cough a little bit,my vision is blurry and my throat is dry.I slowly sit up and reach around for my glasses I finally find them and put them on letting my eyes adjust,I see i'm on my couch in the same clothes as yesterday I groan "Morning" I hear a voice I look over to see Y/N at my desk looking quite pale "Morning" I reply trying to fix myself to look nice she walks over and begins to examine me and I let her,enjoying her soft hands on my face "do you remember anything from last night?" she ask sitting on the table infront of me I nod "some of it,i'm sure i'll remember more later on" I reply with a small smile she returns it and the hugs me "Jeremiah i'm so sorry this is all my fault" she exclaims I pull away holding her arms looking at her in confusion "what?,no,why would you say that Y/N you didnt do anything wrong,this is Jeromes doing" I explain to her "No J you dont understand I helped jerome,I shared a part in this,I could have saved you some how and now your going to go insane,your going to be like me J you dont want that,im fucking crazy" she explains getting flustered,I rub circles on her arms and a smile takes over my feautres "sweetheart,this isnt your fault,and whatever Jerome sprayed me with didnt work,it was like a spray of water,you dont know the real me,yet" I explain to her,it was true though I wasnt what she thought I was. I looked into her eyes,we stood there staring at one another until she looked away I smiled and grabbed her chin gently making her face me she smiled and leaned in to my ear "lets have some fun" she whispered into my ear she began to laugh and I joined along,I picked her up her leg wrapping around my waist,I looked at her one last time before crashing my lips onto her perfect pink ones,I began to smile as I felt her begin to kiss back her hands tangling into my hair,I then proceeded to carry her to my bedroom where I threw her onto the bed licking my lips seductively she smiled and sat up grabbing my neck and pulling me on top of her for more,I wasnt quite sure what was going to happen today but I knew we were going to have lots of fun.

A/N:Holy shit I actually posted lol,sorry this took so long,i'm not gonna even promise a quick update or anything cuz It will probably be a lie,sorry but I can promise this book wont be ending anytime soon so dont get worried lmao,Ill see yall in the next chapter love yall

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