Chapter 18 The End

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Previously...: "May I kiss you?" I asked,his lips curled upwards "you may my darling" he said in a whisper I leaned in once again capturing his lips in a kiss,he hardened the kiss and I could feel his hands cup my butt pulling away he attacked my neck with bites and kisses "jump" he whispered against my ear and I obeyed hopping up onto his lap straddling him. "Let's play" he whispered as he lifted my dress up. Tonight was going to be a long night but I wasn't complaining. I was happy in this moment.

4 Months later:
Y/N’s POV:
I was feeling very..very black/blue,I couldn't think of another word to explain the feeling,black/blue felt fitting enough. My world had crumbled,I had nothing. Jeremiah was gone,for good this time. I remember the first time I thought I lost him,my heart broke as I came running in to find him falling into the bright green,toxic chemicals. I remember screaming and charging at Bruce,hitting and kicking until he pinned me. “Y/N please I cant help you,you dont have to be a villain I know you dont want this” he yelled trying to get me to chill out. It was almost convincing at that time,it gave me the feeling I had back when Jerome took over that concert,but I knew it was all a lie. I felt that I couldn't trust him and I didnt need to because Jeremiah happened to be alive,I helped him through his entire scheme as he pretended to be ‘brain dead’ in Arkham,but that soon ended when Gordon figured it out. I did everything I could to help him and my everything still wasn't enough. The rain fell rapidly and soaked my hair but I didn't care. I wiped my face and I set the blood red roses down at the grave where my beloved had laid,6 feet under me. I sighed and sniffled,I lost him 3 months ago and I still felt the deep stab in my heart,the pain would go away. I have now lost 2 of the people I had loved most and the worst part is that I could do anything to prevent it. “I love you” I whisper as I walk away back to my car. When I got inside I dried my hair with a towel and brushed out the tangled mess,I wiped the makeup off my face as it had ran everywhere due to the rain. I started the car and drove off to my next destination...GCPD. Yes I know, shocking right,how could I go to GCPD?Well after Jeremiah had died I had nothing and no one,and I promised Jeremiah I would live for him,though I doubt this is what he would want me to do but like I said I had nothing else. I contacted Bruce and he helped me like he said he would which shocked me,I didn't think he would help a criminal,he took me to gordon who was very iffy about me coming into the GCPD but we made a deal that if I went through therapy and proved that I wasn't a crazy killer he would help me,and thats exactly what happened. I went through extensive therapy and got a certificate which I gladly brought to Gordon after that he offered me a job at the GCPD,which Harvey disliked greatly but eventually grew accustomed to my presence. A lot has happened and it was crazy to think that just 4 months ago I was one of the reasons Gotham was in complete horror. I parked the car in the back of the building and grabbed my jacket that had said GCPD on the back,I stepped out of the car and made my way inside,automatically running into Harvey “hey Gordon the kid is here” He said yelling towards Jim, I gave him a look of confusion “boss has been waitin on ya” Harvey said with an amused look I just nodded and made my way to Jim’s office where he sat,I closed the door and sat in front of him. “Where were you?” he asked, setting a file to the side “I was just driving you know I love the rain” I told him,I wasn't completely lying,I did really love the rain. Jim sighed as he moved to lean on his desk,folding his hands and looking at me “you went to his grave didn't you?” he asked seeing right through me “look Jim,I went through all your test,I did what I had to do to be here and prove to you that i'm not insane,you don't have to worry about anything” I tell him “I know you just have to understand that i'm always going to slightly skeptical of you,I mean you just went to Jeremiah's grave did you not? Why were you there?” he questioned “Jim YOU are going to have to understand that just because I have changed doesnt mean im going to stop grieving, You saw the crazy side of Jeremiah I saw a different Jeremiah though,I got to experience his more passionate and caring side,he was crazy but I was in love with him,those feelings don't just go away” I explained not looking at him,his demeanor seemed to change “I get it” is all he said. I looked up and saw he had more of a gentle look on his face,I slightly smiled. Harvey came in quickly “Jim we gotta go your little army buddy is out front and he isn't alone and he isn't happy” Harvey explained looking at the two of us. Jim and I hopped out of our seats and made our way out of the office “Everybody suit up” He yelled out to the other officers. I made my way down and got into my bullet proof vest,and started my way to the front door to wait for the others. Jim came up to me and tapped my shoulder,I turned around and he had two hand guns “Strap one to your thigh and hide the other just incase” He told me,I was shocked I wasn't allowed to handle and weapons because I used to be a criminal “But I thought I-” Jim cut me off “I trust you” he said,I felt good in this moment,I felt like I finally did something right. I smiled and Jim led the way and I followed right beside him,ready to fight. I had my fun being a criminal and I still missed Jerome and Jeremiah dearly but this felt right and...I was happy in this moment.

A/N: Wow what a rideeee hahaha. The story is now over,I dont know if I will do a sequal but its a possibility that one will be made in the future,you guys can lemme know how that sounds. I love you guys so much and I hope you enjoyed this story. Yall can check out my others stories if you would like but yee. Stay healthy and safe!

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