Chapter 4

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I freeze in my spot "selina?" I say surprised "Y/N what the hell are you doing here your gonna get hurt" she says she steps forward "stop,please stop" I say holding up my hand "we can talk later now isnt the time,I dont want you near me" I say quite frazzled she looked hurt but I didnt care  she then shoots her gun at jerome I gasp but see that jerome has jumped out of the way in time bruce hits the strong man knocking him out I laugh bruce then takes down selina as she tries to shoot at jerome again I quickly run to jerome and take his hand leading him out the front door "See you crazy kids later" he says before exiting we then begin to run until we were far enough from the building to walk Jerome then takes my hand in his I look into his beautiful eyes  "Are you okay gorgeous you took quite the hit" he says pushing some hair out of my face "im just fine jerome,lets go home mk?" I say he nods eagerly and we begin our journey back home

Jeremiah's POV

I sit in my office alone with a drink in one hand and a picture of Y/N an I in the other I smile but its a sad one "I need to find you" I say aloud to myself I dont want her dead or hurt because of my bombs,I recently had built a bomb and planned to make more I had a vision one consisting of gotham going up in flames then I can rebuild with Y/N by my side,the issue was I didnt know where she was,I have been looking for her for years but now more than ever,the is I love her,always have but I never had the guts to tell her my feelings,I sat down the picture remembering the night I left 


"come on Jeremiah we gotta get you outta here before the lunatic wakes up" My uncle says I packed my things and told my mother goodbye then stepped out of the trailer "wait uncle zack I must say goodbye to Y/N" I say taking the present out of my pocket it was our 10th birthday and I picked out a pretty locket and put a picture of her and I inside.he nods and I go on to find her trailer I finally found it after stumbling around in the dark I sneak in and see her asleep I smile I didnt want to leave my beautiful love nut I had no choice I wake her up as gentle as possible I explained to her I was leaving the circus tears streamed down her face I was heart broken "Im sorry gorgeous but it has to happen" I say wiping away her stray tears with my thumbs I then lean in and kiss her cheek,she smiles a sad one though "here love" I say handing her the present she looks up at me "you didnt have to" is all she says "oh but believe me I really wanted to" I tell her with a small smile "never forget me okay Y/N Ill find you some day I promise" I tell her she nods and we share one last hug before I left.

-End of flashback-

A single tear tun down my cheek as I remember that night,I always wondered if she had forgotten about me ,or if she hates me for leaving,but either way I was gonna find her and make her mine.

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