Chapter 7

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Jerome's POV:

I sat there with Y/N small hand in mine,I knew a doctor in the narrows and took Y/N there since I couldn't take her to a actual hospital for obvious reasons,another tear went down my cheek,I never cried ever but Y/N was the only good thing I had,she was the only reason I stayed and Gotham to lose her now would be devastating.Eventually her small hand twitched along with the rest of her body she began to wake up and stir around  "hey hey dont move to much love stay still" I said squeezing her hand she stopped moving and turned her attention to me she smiled slightly "where the hell am I J?" she asked confused "doctors,you fainted" I explained she opened her eyes wider "jerome,babe have you been crying?" she reached over and her thumb gently grazed over my tear stained face "dont worry about be gorgeous,how are you feeling?" I asked more worried about her health than anything "I feel great I dont know why were still here" she said sitting up the doctor then walked in "Dehydration Ms.Y/L/N" the doctor simply spoke he paused looking at the charts "drink more water so I dont have a frantic and angry red head marching in here cursing again" he finished with a chuckle she smiled her famous smile "will do doc,can I leave now" she asked the doctor finished with his paperwork "of course,I started you on an I.V but it seems to be empty now,are you sure your feeling fine?" the doctor asked she nodded quickly the nurse then came in and unhooked everything Y/N jumped into my arms and snuggled her face into my neck leaving a kiss there I smiled "okay honey lets go home" I said kissing her head.She slipped her shoes on and we were on our way.

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