Chapter 11

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Y/N:I lay in Jeremiah's bed while he traced circles on my thigh,we were out of breath,the only thing covering us being a thin sheet,I turn my body around to face Jeremiah examining all of his features that he had to offer,I began to remember Jerome again how he would be so sweet and cute after making love,how he would comb through my hair and hold my naked body close to his as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear,the feeling of being safe in his arms,I smiled as a single tear was shed "are you okay gorgeous?" Jeremiah asked I nodded wiping my face "I'm just fine J" I replied my smile growing he leaned in and kissed my forehead just like jerome would do.Eventually Jeremiah had fallen into a deep sleep and I was quite bored,I slowly and quietly slipped away from under his grip and put my clothing back on,I slipped on my shoes and walked down to jeremiah's office grabbing a map and leaving a quick note telling him I was leaving and would be back later,I used the map and found myself exiting the cozy bunker and out to the cold forest.I walked and walked until I found myself at Jerome and I's apartment which I had entered,when I opened the door I was hit with the sent of Jerome's cologne which made me smile,I closed the door and walked around,reminiscing on old times,I eventually made my way to the bedroom where Jerome and I had once slept.I sat on the creaky bed with a sigh "eventually you will have to let go of him" a voice said "ugh who invited you back" I said aloud not moving "we never left Y/N" the voice said "nothing a little self medication cant fix" I said turning to the nightstand "medication wont make us go away Y/N,they didnt work then and they wont work now,we are in your head forever you cant get rid of us" another voice said I groaned,this is one of the reasons I was insane I could stand the voices in my head they were too strong,too powerful I closed the night stand drawer causing a notebook to fall off of it,I picked it up seeing a piece of paper inside,It was neatly folded and had my name at it,I carfuly unfolded the paper and began to read the messily written words immediately knowing who wrote this.
  Dear Y/N,if your reading this it must mean im dead,sad I know but I know you will move on because of how strong you are,I'm sure going to miss you but its all part of the plan,at this point you have probably found Jeremiah and caught up with him,him being him i'm sure he flirted with you,that geezer was always trying to win you over when we were kids it clearly never worked considering we lived together and fucked like bunnies..... I pause and laugh at his sentence then continued on. Y/N,I love you,we were gonna be king and queen of gotham but by the looks of it your gonna needa to rule this place without me,but you wont be alone,by now this is probably after the concert mission,which means Jeremiah has been sprayed with insanity gas,which is going to cause him to,well,go insane which is just what I need considering his true colors will now shine brighter then ever,now you have someone to rule with,sadly its not me mission may be over but yours isn't I need you to tear this city apart and drive people mad,so to do that you must direct jeremiah into the direction of rebulding Gotham,I dont have much else to say and you are about to hop out of the shower and probably make love with my hotness,I love you my beautiful princess dont ever change,Xoxo-Jerome.
I dont realize i'm crying until a tear hits the paper,Jerome had a plan,he wanted to die,he knew what he was doing and I need to keep my head in the game and carry on what he needs done.I wipe my face and look over the paper again stopping at 'Insanity gas' something both jeremiah and ME were sprayed with I started thinking what it would do to jeremiah and I,I smiled and stood up grabbing a backpack shoving a few clothes into it along with my phone charger,toothbrush,extra pair of shoes,and last but not least the letter jerome wrote,I stepped into the bathroom grabbing the ring Jerome bought me for one of our anniversaries and slipped it on,I usually wouldnt take it off but had taken it off the day of the concert skeem I put the backpack onto my back and did one last scan of the room deciding this stuff needed to go,I grabbed a gas tank that jerome had kept under the sink and began to dump gasoline everywhere,once finished I threw the empty jug then walked to the front door turning back once more "goodbye home" I said in a whisper lighting a match and throwing it down running out of the building and back to my new home with my new king.

A/N: uwu hola,I hope your enjoying my shit content lol see you guys in da next chapter hehe

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