Chapter 6

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I stepped out of the shower drying off quickly and walking to the bedroom I shared with Jerome to see a note on the bed I picked it up gently reading it 

"hey gorgeous,I went out to finsish some things meet me at this address at 10:30 tonight,love you beautiful see you later -j"

I smiled and sat the note down I looked at the clock it read that it was 9:00 I got up and made my way to the closet to get ready I grabbed what I needed and started getting ready

-Yee yee time skip brought to you by Jeromes staples-

I read the address one last time making sure it was correct I walk up to see a small little building with people surrounding it I step up further with caution to find Mr.Tetch and Scarecrow along with a few of jeromes followers "hello ms.Y/N how are you" tech spoke "Im doing very well mr.tetch,what is happening here?" I ask "I see Jerome didnt go into extreme detail,he was caught but is out now and will explain everything soon he requested I lead you to him" he spoke with a smile I return the smile and nod we break into the small building that seems to be a bunker we walk through twists and turns untill we are met by jim gordon and harvey bullock "FREEZE DONT MOVE" gordon yells I smile "heya jimbo" I say his eyes go wide "bye now" I say and dart the other direction I go through twist and turns by myself I keep running until I run into something much rather someone I look up to see a red head with glasses at first I think its Jerome in another elaborate costume then I study the man under me "o-oh my god" I speak a tear slips down my face as i sit up I am now straddling the man "j-jeremiah" I speak again before I can say anything else he hugs me tight I hug him back wrapping my arms around his neck I pull away "what the hell are you doing here" he ask I think about it for a second 'what am I doing here' "u-uh I dont know actually I was meeting someone i-im actually confused to be honest" I say trying to think back to the mission I stand up quickly jeremiah joining me "I gotta go J" I say sadly "but you just got here we havnt seen eachother in years what do you possiably have to do" he says throwing questions left and right just then I here a deep raspy laugh come from behind me I imdietly know its jerome he steps close behind me "hello brother" he speaks with a smile "Y/N get away he is dangerous" Jeremiah says franticly "oh brother havnt you been paying attention" Jerome speaks again with a laugh jeremiah looks over to me looking for an answer "J jerome and I are dating,have been for a few years now" I explain looking down "you see brother,she is mine now" jerome says smiling stepping closer to Jeremiah "wow and to think I used to be the good looking one" jerome says soon after Gordon and Bullock show up Jerome kisses his brothers head and pulls me along I pull away jerome stops and looks at me "What the hell was that Jerome" I asked baffled "what do you mean gorgeous this is the mission" he says confused "JEREMIAH IS XANDER WILDE???" I ask "surprise gorgeous" he says I look down I start getting a headache I start to get dizzy I hear Jerome asking questions and calling my name I try to step towards him but I collapse the last thing I see is Jerome and the darkness.

Jeremiah & Jerome Valeska x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now