Chapter 14

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I layed on Jeremiah and I's shared bed clicking through channels trying to find a good show or movie to watch as I waited for Jeremiah to return,as I finally settled on a movie my phone rang,I picked up my phone seeing that it was Jeremiah and answered "hi handsome" I said with a smile "darling there has been a change of plans I need you to get dressed,grab a few of our belongings and leave with Ecco to a new location" he stated in a almost hushed monotone voice "but w-" Jeremiah cut me off "no time for questions do as I say" he stated and hung up I put my phone down taken back a bit but decided it was best to comply and listen to his orders. I ran over the closet opening in up and grabbing a suitcase,I packed it with a few of my clothes and shoes as well as a few of jeremiah's. After I packed up our essentials I proceeded to get dressed deciding on a pair of blue-green plaid pants,a black t-shirt and some white Doc Martens. I tucked in my shirt a bit making my way to the bathroom to do my hair,I just quickly straightend it and put a beanie on,as for make up I went pretty light by just adding red lipstick,mascara,and eye liner. As I finished up I threw on my leather jacket hearing a knock on the bedroom door,assuming it was Ecco I just shouted "come in" I heared the door open and I turned off the bathroom light and exited "you ready Ec-" I cut my self off when I see the person standing in the room is not Ecco. "O-oswald" I breathed I was in utter shock "what the hell are you doing here,how did you get in here" I questioned taking a step back trying to reach the bedside drawer for my gun. "Ah-ah,dont move or I shoot I know how clever you are I am sure you have a gun close by" he stated pointing his gun at me "what is you're business here" I asked he laughed a bit "well sweet sweet Y/N I am afraid I need your help,I mean you do owe me after all" he said with a sinister smirk "I dont owe you shit you beaky nosed freak" I said venom laced with my words "ahhh thats where your wrong,dont you remember when I loaned you that large lumpsome of cash so you could save you're little friends life I mean I even drove you to stranges lab,gunned down him and his men,and made sure she got the treatment" he explain I stayed silent as I remembered that night "what was here name again,oh yeah, Selina" he spoke "ya know I remember how you came to me praising me for helping you you couldnt stop thanking me and promised you would do anything to repay me" he hissed,I hated this man,he always got me caught up in something,and damn selina had to make me care about her "where are you going with this Ossie" I seethed,I just needed to shoot him and leave,where the hell is Ecco when I need her she was supposed to be here "what Im getting at his YOU OWE ME Y/N" he shouted spit flying out of his nasty mouth, I flinched slightly "you have control over Jeremiah,but Tabby,Babs,grundy,and I do not,so youre gonna helps us lure him in so he can stop all his madness and give us something we need" he spoke "Screw you,I would never betray him,never" I paused for a second "exactly what madness are you speaking of" I questioned quite confused he laughed "OH you dont know?" he asked and continued laughing "guess he doesnt trust you like you thought he did"  he spoke what the hell was he on about I thought "He has bombs all over Gotham he plans on destroying it and creating a new Gotham of his own" he spoke,that sounded genius,how did he not tell me!,did he really not trust me,no he does,he loves me,maybe it was a surprise. My thoughts kept cycling through until Oswald spoke pulling me out of my thoughts "I really dont have time for this,lets go" he spoke I laughed "yeah right,you are insane if you think I am gonna go and help you,I got places to be" I spoke I turned quickly to grab my gun but wasnt fast enough,the dreadful boom of another gun went off and I was left on the floor screaming holding onto my leg where I was now shot "YOU BASTARD YOU JUST SHOT ME" I seethed I was enraged he laughed "Butch grab her" he stated I looked up tears in my eyes as I see a big discolored man come my direction I reached for my gun and grabbed it as I brought it up to shoot the man he grabbed my arm and took the gun away he brought it up in the air bringing it down towards me then it all went dark.

A/N:shortish? Idk lol,how is yall I hope all is well and your having a great day,I hope yall had an amazing thanksgiving,sorry I havnt updated in a bit I have been quite caught up with school,family,as well as my mental health but I will try and update soon so yeah,also I didnt spell check once again so sorry for any typos,love you all.


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