Chapter 2

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Jerome and I had arrived back home and I was a little tired from bathroom quickie I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower I then began to shed my clothes,I stepped into the hot steamy shower and washed my hair and body once done I stepped out and went into the bedroom to find jerome on the bed tinkering around with a toy of some sort "what cha got there J" I asked making my way to the closet "just something for our little mission" he says setting it dont on the night stand next to the bed I threw on some shorts and long sleeve shirt and proceeded to blow dry my hair "ya know,I remember when we were kids and would run around the circus together" Jerome spoke up I started towards him and straddled his lap "Yea those were the good days,well some of them were good days" I said looking into his eyes "I remember our first kill" Jerome said with a huge grin I thought back to that day it was after jeremiah had left us jerome had killed his dirt bag mother and came to me to help hide the body I remember being in his trailer when my sorry excuse of a father came in to she his daughter and her best friend covered in blood with a body in their hands I also remembered chopping him up and hiding him with lilas body I snapped out of my thoughts to see jerome looking at me with a questioning look I ignored it and leaned in kissing his soft lips leaning him back against the headboard as he ran his hands up and down my sides I pulled away "Im tired" i say plainly jerome laughs a bit "your a tease sometimes ya know" he says I nod and roll of of jerome onto the bed he turns off the light rolls over onto his back I cuddle into him laying my head on his chest as he hugs me close to his body "I love you Y/N" Jerome says I smile "I love you to Jerome more than anything" I reply He then kisses my head and we drift off to sleep


I run down a dark alleyway "JEROME?,JEROME WHERE ARE YOU" I yell  suddenly im cornered  I close my eyes shut and when I open them I see jerome?  "jerome?" I say slightly confused on his features "nope,Jeremiah Sweet heat" I hug my old best friend then suddenly jeremiah falls taking me with him he is bleeding,he had been shot I look up to see a hooded man choking jerome I cry "STOP PLEASE STOP" I scream the man doesnt halt "JERROOMME" I get up and run towards him but he disappears all of a sudden  everything goes black and then Im in an all white room  turn around to see jeremiah and jerome both dead "no,please no" I cry I shake them both "WAKE UP PLEASE"

-end of dream-  

I wake up thrashing and crying the room is dark jerome comes busting out of the bathroom turning on the light "babe whats wrong" he ask looking around gun in hand "j-jerome y-you" I cry more not able to finish my sentence he sets down the gun and hugs me close rocking me "Its okay beautiful im right here,im not leaving shh its okay" he says trying to comfort me I eventually calm down and he looks at my tear stained face " what happened dollface?" he ask brushing my hair behind my ears "I had a dream,t-that you and jeremiah were killed,J they took you away from me" I say "No im right here im not leaving trust me gorgeous no ones taking me ill put a bullet in their head before they even try" he says he then continues "jeremiah was in your dream?" he ask "Yea I dont know why though" I say honestly he nods "lets go back to sleep babe is 2:30 in the morning" he says he turns off the lights and holds me close I snuggle my face into the crook of his neck and kiss it he then kisses my head and I then begin to fall back asleep once more to the soft snores coming from jerome.

Kinda a short chapter buttt yee see ya in the next chapter byee

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