Chapter 1

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It had been two weeks since Tadashi had been feeling sick.  At first, he didn't think much of it because it wasn't uncommon to get the stomach bug from time to time, especially since he had been going to different restaurants with his colleagues for dinner for the past couple of weeks.  The only reason Tadashi found himself peeing on a thin stick was because of two things; one of his colleagues had joked about him being pregnant after seeing him rush to the bathroom to throw up and he saw an ad on t.v.  As silly as it was, those two things got him thinking and buying a pregnancy test. 

Tadashi looked down at the pregnancy stick in silence as he sat on the toilet cover.  He couldn't believe it.   The two of them, meaning him and his husband, were usually careful, and even when there was a rip in the condom or something of a sort, nothing would happen.  Life would go on normally without any disruptions. 

Tadashi put a hand up to mouth and blinked a couple of times.  His hand that was holding the thin stick was shaking slightly, along with his knee.  He was scared.  Kei and him had never really discussed having kids ever, even after they got married.  There was only one time that Tadashi remembered where they interacted with children.  It was the day that Karasuno had an open gym for younger kids around the area.  That day, Kei was no where to be found most of the day.  When Kei actually did appear, everyone was gathering up with the rest of the team and the kids.  That was when Tadashi noticed just how far away he was from all the children.  In short, Tadashi just assumed that Kei didn't like kids from that day on. 

On the other hand, Tadashi actually liked little kids.  He thought that they were so cute, and he had always wanted to have kids of his own one day.  But when he figured that Kei probably didn't like kids, he thought it'd be fine as long as he could stay with Kei in the end because he loved him.Tadashi was okay with whatever as long as he was with Tsukishima, or so he thought.

Tadashi dropped the stick out of shock when everything started sinking in and just sat there, terrified. He had no idea what Kei was going to say or how he was going to react.  Kei could be a cold guy from time to time, so maybe he would just ignore the announcement and just leave in silence.  Or maybe he would tell Tadashi off and force him to leave the house.  Many scenarios appeared in Tadashi's mind and he was on the verge of tears because of it.  

Once he pulled himself together and wiped away his tears, which took a good twenty minutes or so, he picked up the pregnancy test and put it in his back pocket while he splashed his face with some water.  He looked at himself in the mirror and tried to think of happy thoughts.  He came up with a mini plan in his head.  Tadashi would confirm if Kei liked children at dinner by casually bringing up family and whatnot.  Then he would proceed from there from whatever reaction or response he got out of Kei. 

In the mean time, he had to start on dinner.  Tadashi walked into their kitchen and took out some ingredients and began to cook.  During the weekdays, it was his job to make dinner since he usually got home earlier than Kei.  On weekends, Kei would make dinner, but for breakfast and lunch, the couple would cook together.  It was a weekly routine for them and it worked well. 

Cooking helped take Tadashi's mind off the unexpected pregnancy news for the time being and allowed him more time to calm himself.  Of course the whole situation kept poking at him at the back of his head, but he ignored it as best as he could. 

When Kei got home from work that night, Tadashi felt his his palms starting to sweat as soon as the front door opened.  He kept fidgeting and pacing around in the kitchen nonstop.  Kei noticed his lover's nervous state, but decided to stay quiet about it for the time being.  He set the table for the two of them while Tadashi continued to prepare dinner.

Once everything was set, the couple sat down at the dinner table together and started eating.  "How was your day?" Kei asked as he sipped on his glass of water.

"Oh... it was like usual you know," Tadashi replied with a small awkward laugh at the end.  Kei raised an eyebrow at his weird behavior, but still continued to stay silent about it.  "Anyway, how was work, Tsukki?" 

Even after their marriage, Tadashi couldn't get over his habit of calling Kei "Tsukki" no matter how hard he tried.  It just slipped out naturally since he had been calling him by that nickname since they were kids.  And it wasn't like Kei had a problem with it. 

"Not that busy," Kei replied, "but I couldn't wait to come home."

"Oh, really?"  Tadashi was slightly taken aback.  

Kei nodded his head nonchalantly and continued to eat.  

There was a semi-tense, semi-awkward silence before Tadashi decided to initiate his plan and talk about family.  "H-Hey, you know... I heard that Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san just had their first child the other day.  Suga-senpai said that Oikawa had a short labor and that he popped her out in no time."  Tadashi tried babbling a bit to lighten the conversation and topic, but it didn't seem to be working.  

"Is that so?"

"Y-Yeah..."  Tadashi was feeling nervous again after Kei's short response.  "Uhm... so what do you think?"

"Hmm?  About what?"  Kei looked up from his plate and stared straight into Tadashi's eyes with a blank expression.

Tadashi averted his eyes and picked up his glass of water.  "Y'know... babies.  What do you think about babies?"  Kei continued to stare and Tadashi could feel it.  Kei's stare felt so intense that Tadashi was starting to get chills.  "I-I personally think that b-babies are cute..."  Tadashi was stuttering and he felt like he was falling apart into pieces as he tried to save himself and the conversation with whatever words came to mind. 

"Well, I don't really like them.  They're too much of a nuisance. I'd prefer to stay home if you decide to go visit them," Kei answered truthfully while simply continuing to eat. 

"O-Oh... okay."  Disappointment could be heard in Tadashi's tone of voice.  

Hearing the quiet "okay" from Tadashi made Kei feel a bit bad, so he tried to lighten up the mood by saying, "Send my congratulations, though, please."

"I will..."  There was still disappointment in Tadashi's voice, but Kei didn't know what else to say to him.  Suddenly Tadashi didn't feel like eating anymore.  He excused himself from the table and went to their bedroom to lay in bed.

A/N:  How was this chapter?  What do you think?  To be honest, I wasn't sure if I should've put their last names or their first names... in the end I obviously chose their first names, though, because I thought it would fit a bit better.  I also wasn't sure if I should've had Tadashi change his last name or not at first, but I thought that it'd be better to have him keep his last name even if they're married.  Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter!  :)

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