Extra 10 (Final)

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Tadashi felt his baby kick up into his ribs harshly, causing him to put his hands on top of his belly in reaction. It kind of hurt, but it wasn't like it hadn't happened before. He rubbed the top of his round belly gently and continued to watch the volleyball game that was going on from the sidelines. Tadashi was itching to play with the rest of his old teammates so badly, but with his big belly in the way there was no chance of him getting out on the court to join them. Even though it looked like so much fun.

When it was Kei's turn, Tadashi cheered for him on the side just like back in high school. They ended up moving around a lot because they were mixing teams. In the middle of changing teams, Tadashi's stomach started to cramp. He stopped in his spot and used a hand to lean against the wall. It surprised him at first, but it passed quickly and he didn't think much of it. It had felt just like the braxton hicks he felt before anyway.

As the afternoon went on, Tadashi received more cramps and they had gotten stronger and stronger as time passed by. Kei, who was focused on playing, didn't take notice that his lover was in pain, but Tadashi didn't want to disturb Kei and purposely kept quiet. Tadashi knew that it was starting to get kind of late and that they all were going to start packing up soon to leave, so he didn't want to announce that he was in labor and make a big fuss about it. Besides, labor usually took hours and hours, so Tadashi wasn't too worried.

After their last game, Kei scanned the gym for his lover. The blond couldn't find him at first, but then finally spotted him coming out of the bathroom. Kei jogged over to him and was going to ask if he was ready to go until he saw the pained expression on his face.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Kei asked in a panicked tone.

Tadashi looked up at the taller and smiled weakly through the pain while holding his belly from underneath. "I think we should go to the hospital," Tadashi breathed out.

"H-How far apart are you contractions?" The blond held out his hand for the pregnant to take.

"Uhm... Maybe about ten-ish minutes?" Tadashi took his husband's hand for support and gently squeezed it until the contraction was over.

"Why- How come you didn't tell me earlier??"

Tadashi sighed out in relief and let go of his belly, but kept his hand in Kei's. "I didn't want to make a scene. Plus you looked like you were having fun. I just wish I couldn't played with you guys."

Without the couple noticing, because they were in their own little world, most of the volleyball friends started gathering and overheard their conversation. Suga and Oikawa were the first to run to Tadashi's side and asked how he was feeling. They worried over him like mothers and started escorting him to the car with Kei. Kei gathered all of his and Tadashi's things before following them out to the car.

On the way to the hospital, Kei tried to reassure and comfort Tadashi as best and as much as he could while he drove. They ended up stopping by their apartment so that Kei could go and grab their hospital bag first. Then he got back in the car. He held Tadashi's hand tightly and didn't let go until they reached the hospital.

They checked in and were shown to a room right away. Within a couple of minutes, a couple of their friends stopped by to give encouragement and wish them luck and such.

"I can't believe you're going to have a baby!" Hinata cried with excitement. "I can be the godparent, right?"

Tadashi chuckled. "I don't know, you might have to fight over the godparent name with Kei's brother."

Hinata hesitated, then pouted. "Well, at least Stingyshima's older brother is nicer than Stingyshima himself."

Kei rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Then Kageyama interrupted by pinching Hinata's cheek, making the smaller yelp in pain. "Enough, you idiot. This is the time where you should be encouraging to Yamaguchi."

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