Extra 6

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After a loving weekend filled with cuddling, kisses, and sweet talk, the married couple had to wake up to reality and get to work when Monday came around.  Tadashi woke up first and started on his morning routine of getting ready for the day.  Then Kei got up and began his morning routine.  

"Tsukki, breakfast is ready," Tadashi called from the kitchen.  

"I'll be right there," Kei called back.  

Kei buttoned up his white, work shirt before heading out to the kitchen to eat breakfast with his lover.  As soon as he entered the kitchen, Tadashi smiled widely at him. 

After a quick peck on the lips, Kei sat down and started eating.  "Do you want me to swing by and pick you up after work?" Kei asked. 

"No, it's okay," Tadashi replied.  "If you come pick me up, that means you have to leave work early." 

"I don't mind." 

"Yeah, but I do.  Your boss is going to get mad if you leave early everyday." 

"Fine," Kei gave in.  "I just didn't want Mayaka to be saying anything." 

Tadashi smiled.  "Don't worry.  Everything will be fine." 

The blond let out a small sigh and nodded his head.  "Okay."  Although he worried about Tadashi going to work after all that chaos, he knew that Tadashi would be okay.  He knew that his husband could handle things on his own and he trusted him. 

Once Tadashi finished his breakfast, he packed up his folders and headed off to work.  As soon as he entered his office floor, he could feel the eyes on him.  They were probably judging him, but Tadashi just quietly went to sit in his office and pulled out his work. 

As time passed, people stopped staring and Tadashi could feel at ease.  The pregnant worked in peace until Mayaka came walking by.  At first, she ignored him and walked straight to the copy machine, but as she was coming back, she decided to accidentally bump into Tadashi's desk and throw all her papers at him. 

Tadashi gasped in surprise and backed away so that he wouldn't get any paper cuts on his face.  He couldn't believe her.  Was she still in high school or something?  She was being so childish and he was going to lose his cool if she did anything else to him or Kei. 

"Oops, I'm sorry," she apologized sarcastically.  She tried hiding her smirk, but Tadashi caught her. 

"It's fine," Tadashi said between his gritted teeth. 

"Do you mind helping me pick up all the papers?" 

Without saying a word, Tadashi started helping her pick up the papers.  Because Tadashi's belly wouldn't allow him to just simply bend while sitting in his chair, he had to get up and get on his hands and knees to collect the documents. 

The two of them finished gathering up all the papers quickly and stood up again.  As Tadashi was handing over the papers, Mayaka decided to start small talk. 

"Oh, and about last week, I hope everything is okay between you and your husband.  I didn't mean for things to get so dicey.  Misunderstandings can cause such rumors and problems-- so annoying, right?"  She paused and sneaked in a small smirk.  "But I do have to say that your husband is a cutie and he tasted good, too.  I'm jealous." 

Tadashi was speechless because he couldn't believe what he was hearing.  He wanted so badly to just smack her right across her face, but that wouldn't be professional and he would probably lose his job. 

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