Extra 3

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As Tadashi reached his second trimester, he started growing out of his t-shirts and pants.  Although his belly still wasn't too big yet, he could feel the difference when he put his clothes on-- especially when he tried buttoning his shirts and pants. 

It was a Friday morning when he was trying to button up his dress shirt and get ready for work.  He stared at himself in the mirror as he tried sucking in his gut and putting the bottom couple of buttons though the holes.  Because he was a pretty slim and lean guy normally, all his shirts were fit for that body type. 

He sighed for the nth time and went in search for a larger shirt in his closet.  Kei, who had just gotten out of the bathroom, came into their room and saw Tadashi digging through their clothes. 

"What are you doing?" Kei asked as he, too, took out his work clothes. 

Tadashi turned with a sigh and looked at his husband with a frown.  "None of my button up shirts fit me," he replied. 

As soon as Tadashi turned Kei's way and he saw his little belly peaking slash buldging through the middle of his shirt, he couldn't help but smile to himself.  It was cute seeing Tadashi's stomach start to get bigger by the week.  And the way he was pouting and frowning just made it all much cuter. 

To make Tadashi feel better, Kei stepped forward and slid his arms around Tadashi's waist.  "Do you want to wear my shirt today?" Kei asked, rubbing his lover's back with his fingertips. 

"Won't it be too big?" Tadashi asked, still pouting. 

"Probably, but it'll cover your belly at least." 

Tadashi nodded.  Kei let go of the shorter and went to grab him his smallest button up for him to wear.  And as predicted, the shirt was too big for Tadashi.  The sleeves went past his palms and the hem dropped a bit lower than his crotch area, all due to Kei having some long limbs.  He didn't complain, though, because it was still better than his tight fitting shirt. 

"Let's go shopping for some maternity clothes over the weekend," Kei said, leaning against the wall near the door. 

"Yeah," Tadashi said with a sigh and rubbed the under part of his belly. 

Kei pushed himself off the wall and went to give Tadashi a back hug.  He rested his hands next to Tadashi's on his tiny belly and placed a kiss on the side of Tadashi's head. 

"You'll be late if you don't hurry," Kei reminded him. 

"Oh yeah!" Tadashi exclaimed and started rushing around. 

Tadashi left for work first and about half and hour later Kei followed suit. 

The next day, the couple got up and went through their usual morning routine before getting ready to head to the mall.  On the ride there, Tadashi told Kei about how his coworkers questioned him about his oversized button up while teasing him about gaining some weight. 

"Have you told anyone at work yet?" Kei asked. 

"Nope, but I'll probably give my boss a heads up when I get bigger.  Have you told anybody?" Tadashi replied. 

"Well, I put the sonogram up on my desk the other day and a couple of my coworkers saw it and asked me about it." 

"What did you tell them?" 

"I told them that we were expecting.  At first they looked at me weird and then they asked if I was even good with kids.  Then they said congratulations." 

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