Chapter 7

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Another couple of days went by and still no Kei.  Tadashi was starting to feel really lonely sleeping in their bed alone at night.  It felt so odd sleeping on the king sized bed alone for so long that he ended up sleeping on the couch in the living room instead.  He hadn't been eating much either.  Although the medicine that the doctor had prescribed for his morning sickness worked, he just didn't have the appetite.  Tadashi felt bad for eating home cooked meals alone.  He thought, "What if Tsukki was just eating fast food or microwaved meals?"  It wouldn't be fair for him then. 

Tadashi also offered to take up longer shifts at work just to try to keep Kei off his mind, but that did very little.  He couldn't stop thinking of Kei no matter what he did to try and distract himself.  It didn't help that he felt the need to call and make sure that Kei was okay every single day. 

The more and more Tadashi thought, and the longer and longer he was left alone made him realize that he couldn't live without Kei, metaphorically speaking.  He knew that if he had to break things off with Kei because he wanted to have their child, he wouldn't be able to live happily.  Their child would probably remind him too much of Kei and he would most likely break down every so often.  Knowing that, Tadashi didn't want to become a terrible parent to his kid.  So it left him with one option. 

He scheduled an appointment and gathered all his personal savings. 

A few days before his scheduled appointment, Sugawara and Oikawa decided to come and visit Tadashi.  The moment they saw Tadashi, they gasped in surprise.  Tadashi was so skinny and just looked awful.  There were bags under his eyes and he looked so dead. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Tadashi asked the two as they stepped inside. 

Sugawara frowned and replied, "We came to see how you were doing." 

"Obviously you haven't been doing well!  I mean, look at you!  Have you even been eating?  Your baby is probably starving!  He'll end up being scrawny like his dad," Oikawa said while looking Tadashi up and down. 

Tadashi put a hand up to his mini bump that had formed in the last two weeks and smiled weakly.  "I guess we'll never know in the end," Tadashi said calmly. 

Both Sugawara and Oikawa's eyes widened in shock.  "What do you mean?" Sugawara asked, nervous to hear the answer. 

For a second Tadashi didn't say anything.  He walked into the living room with the other two right on his heels.  Then he turned and faced them.  "I... I'm getting rid of it."  Tadashi's eyes were filled with tears.  That was the first time he was admitting what he was doing out loud and to someone. 

After an explanation of everything that went down, all that Oikawa and Sugawara could do was hold the younger in their arms as they, too, shed tears of their own.  It hurt to see the younger in so much pain.  They knew just how innocent and caring Tadashi was and thought that he didn't deserve all that was happening. 

"But wait, didn't you say that he just wanted some time?  Tsukishima didn't say he didn't want your guys' kid," Oikawa tried reasoning. 

"Yeah, I'm sure he's just shocked by the sudden news," Sugawara added. 

Tadashi shook his head and forced a weak smile.  "I don't think so...  Even if after it's gone and Tsukki still doesn't want me anymore, then it's okay." 

Oikawa and Sugawara, being the ones to give birth to their child or children, felt as if it were their duty to try and convince their firend to keep the baby and everything will be okay.  But Tadashi stood firmly on his decision, even though on the inside he was about to crack and break any second. 

The two older spent the rest of their day at Tadashi's house and continued to try to convince him, but also to support and comfort him.  Even when it was time to leave because it was getting late, they hesitated and offered to stay the night, but Tadashi pushed them out telling them that they had families to get back to.  They knew that Tadashi had a point, but spending one night at their friend's house who was in need of some friends wasn't a big issue.  Both Oikawa and Sugawara kept trying to stay, but Tadashi wasn't having any of it. 

Eventually, Tadashi got them to leave.  Then it was just him in his and Kei's lonely apartment.  He was happy that he had friends like them to worry about him and all, but he had already made up his mind.  Truthfully, if they had continued to push on more and more and had stayed the night, Tadashi would have changed his mind.  He would've given in.  He had made up his mind, but he knew deep inside that he wanted the opposite of what he was about to do. 

Tadashi sighed and got ready for bed. 

The day before the scheduled appointment that Tadashi had made, he decided to give Kei another call.  Of course it went to voicemail, but Tadashi was okay with it.  If Kei was to actually pick up that time, he wouldn't have known what to do. 

"Hey, Tsukki...  I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much.  I'm sorry that you had to go through this hard decision situation.  I wanted to give you more time because it's our baby, but tomorrow is the last day I could do it.  I don't expect you to come home right away, but I really want to see you.  I really miss you.  Every night I hoped that you were safe and had a nice meal and had somewhere warm to sleep.  But anyway, I've made the decision, and I'm going through with it.  I love you..." 

A/N:  Ah, I almost cried why writing this part of the story!!  It's so sad :'(  Tell me, why did I make Yamaguchi suffer so much?! 

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