Extra 9

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Tadashi was now 35 weeks. His body felt achy and he needed to pee more often. He swore that he's never had to pee so much in one day in his entire life until now. His belly felt significantly heavier than before, but he was still a bit smaller than the average pregnant person. Even though he had been following what the doctor told him and ate right and exercised lightly daily, he was still a little underweight for being this far into his pregnancy. His doctor wasn't too worried, though, because everything else seemed to be healthy and fine.

It was 5 in the morning when Tadashi got the urge to pee. He rolled over to his side and swung his legs over the edge of his and Kei's bed. After a minute of trying to get out of bed, he finally was able to get to his feet and quietly exit the room.

He quickly used the bathroom and headed back to bed. When he crawled back to bed, Kei turned on his side and wrapped an arm around Tadashi's midsection. The pregnant felt Kei's fingers gently drawing circles on his round belly, signalling that he was awake.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" Tadashi asked in a whisper.

"It's okay. Are you okay, though?" Kei replied.

"Yeah, just an early morning bathroom run." 

Kei hummed sleepily and soon Tadashi heard the soft even breaths of his lover, telling him that the blond had fallen back asleep. Within a couple of minutes, Tadashi, too, fell asleep.

Just as Tadashi was falling into a deep sleep, his alarm rang. He groaned internally and reached over to shut it off. Before he got up, he turned his head to look at his lover and smiled. Tadashi sat up and used a hand to comb through Kei's hair.

Kei's eyes fluttered open and he reached for his glasses. Then the blond sat up and leaned in for a good morning kiss. Tadashi smiled in their kiss and pulled away first. "I have to get breakfast started," he said as he made his way out of the bedroom. But first, he went to use the bathroom again.

As the pregnant began cooking breakfast, Kei went to wash up. Then he came into the kitchen to help. With Tadashi's belly in the way, he took more time in cooking and everything else that he did daily, so Kei found himself either watching over Tadashi more or subtly helping him in everything he did.

Once breakfast was done, the couple sat down at their table and began eating. They finished within a couple of minutes and then went to get dressed together. Tadashi had modified his schedule with his boss a little bit so that Kei could drop him off and pick him up at work. At first, Tadashi didn't want to change his work schedule, but Kei had convinced him and shared his worries of Tadashi taking the train by himself and the what ifs.

Usually Tadashi would drive the way to his work and then Kei would get into the driver's seat and go to his work place, but lately Tadashi's belly had been making driving uncomfortable for him. He was still trying to find a way to make sitting in the driver's seat and driving more comfortable, but so far nothing worked. And so Kei was driving them most of the time.

"I'll see you later," Tadashi said as he reached for the door handle.

"Okay. Call or text me if you need anything," Kei replied.

Tadashi nodded and exited the car. He watched as Kei backed up and left the parking lot before he went in to his office building.

At work, Tadashi still got stares and glares from Mayaka and her friends from time to time, but that didn't bother him anymore. They never tried anything toward him anymore either. He hoped that one day they could come to an understanding, but he knew that probably wasn't going to come any time soon.

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