Chapter 3

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Iwaizumi smiled at the younger.  "Don't worry, we won't say anything," he reassured.  

Tadashi cracked a small smile and thanked him.  

While Oikawa and Tadashi talked, Iwaizumi went to fix something up for lunch.  Tadashi kept glancing down at the couple's baby with a smile.  She was so tiny and fragile looking.  

"Can I hold her?" Tadashi asked quietly.  

Oikawa smiled and nodded.  He handed over his baby to Tadashi and taught him how to hold her head properly.  

"She's so tiny," Tadashi gushed.  

"Yeah, but she seemed so huge in my belly," Oikawa said and fixed the blanket she was wrapped in.  

Then the doorbell rang.  Oikawa got up and went to get the door while Tadashi was left with the baby.  He smiled down at the new bundle of joy and then thought of the little growing fetus in his stomach.  It wasn't long before Oikawa came back to the living room with more guests in tow.  Kageyama, Hinata, Suga-senpai, Daichi-senpai, Kuroo-san, Kenma, Bokuto-san, and Akaashi all decided to come over as well.  

Everyone said their hello's and sat around the living room.  As everyone talked and laughed, Oikawa's baby girl was passed around to all the friends.  

"Hey, where's Stingy-shima?" Hinata asked Tadashi.  

Tadashi chuckled at the old nickname.  "He's at home.  He got caught up in work and wasn't able to come," Tadashi answered.  

"Hah!  He must be a slacker if he still has work to do," Kageyama smirked.  

Suga slapped the backside of Kageyama's head.  "Stop that.  You guys aren't in high school anymore," he lectured.  

"Sorry," Kageyama muttered and scooted closer to Hinata.  

Again Tadashi chuckled.  He loved being with his old teammates, they always could put a smile on his face no matter what.  He just wished that Kei could be with him and enjoy time together, too.  

When Iwaizumi was done preparing lunch, everyone gathered in the kitchen to start eating.  To Tadashi, the food looked amazingly delicious that he started salivating.  It smelled wonderful, too.  

Tadashi grabbed a big plate and piled the food on top of it.  Then he began eating happily.  It had been a while since he could eat like that, but it all came crashing down when he was in the middle of getting a second serving.  A wave of nausea hit him so hard that he just barely made it to the toilet to vomit everything out.  

Oikawa rushed to Tadashi's side and rubbed his back comfortingly.  And soon Sugawara was by his side, too.  Tadashi was glad that they were there for him, but at the same time, he felt so embarrassed that they had to see him in that state.  He just wanted to hide in a hole somewhere and never come out again.  

"Are you okay?" Sugawara asked as soon as Tadashi was done throwing up.  

"Yeah, I'm okay," Tadashi replied and reached to flush the toilet.  

All the color had drained from his face and he looked kind of sickly.  "You're lying," Sugawara said and crossed his arms.  "Here, let me get you some water to drink."  

"No, it's okay."  Just the thought of consuming anything, even just water or even his own saliva made Tadashi want to throw up again.  He hated the feeling of throwing up and it had gotten so bad as the days were going by.  He held his midsection with an arm and slowly got up with the help of the other two.  "Thanks," he thanked them quietly.  

Sugawara was beyond worried.  "Are you sick?" Suga asked as they exited the bathroom.  

Tadashi shook his head.  

"Was the food not good?  Or are you allergic to anything?"  

Again Tadashi shook his head.  

Oikawa, knowing why Tadashi was feeling the way he was feeling, stayed silent remembering their agreement earlier.  

"Well, then what is it?  What else would make you throw up out of the blue like that?"  Suga stopped and thought for a moment before looking at Oikawa.  Then he stared back at how Tadashi was holding his stomach.  These little hints and clues gave him the idea.  "You're pregnant, aren't you?" 

Tadashi's eyes widened.  He hesitated for a second before nodding his head.  "But I haven't told Tsukki or anyone really.  Only Oikawa and Iwaizumi-san know because they found out earlier by chance."  

Suga only nodded his head.  "Alright.  I won't say anything."  

Tadashi weakly smiled.  "Thank you."  

"But why haven't you told Tsukishima yet?"  

"Because...  Tsukki doesn't like babies or children and I'm scared of his reaction."  Tadashi frowned and remembered what Kei had told him the other day while they were eating dinner.  

"What?!" the three heard a voice ask, startling them.  

A/N:  Hi!  Kind of a shorter chapter, but I hope you guys liked it!  

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