Chapter 10

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"Wh-What's going on?" Tadashi asked worriedly as the doctor and nurse started messing with the beeping monitors and such around the room. 

"The baby's heartbeat just dropped," the doctor informed.  "I don't want to alarm you, but we might lose it." 

Both Tadashi's and Kei's hearts dropped. 

"No, please," Tadashi begged desperately.  "Please save my baby.  Please!  Do whatever you have to do!" 

"Please calm down, sir," the nurse said as calmly as possible.  Then she looked at Kei.  "Please exit the room.  We'll call you back when everything gets sorted out." 

Kei reluctantly obeyed and left the room.  He didn't want to leave Tadashi's side, fearing that something bad would happen if he wasn't there with them, but he knew that he had to trust the doctor and nurse. 

After a couple of minutes of waiting around outside, the doctor and nurse both exited Tadashi's room.  Kei got up and walked over to them right away.  He needed to know that Tadashi and their baby were safe and healty. 

The doctor smiled at him as soon as he saw Kei.  "They're okay.  They just need lots of rest," he said.  "You can go in now." 

Kei felt his legs weaken and fell to his knees while using a hand to cover his face.  "Thank you so much, doctor," he thanked the doctor. 

Once Kei regained the strength in his legs, he got up and entered the hospital room.  He felt a wave of relief hit him as soon as he saw Tadashi.  He rushed over to the smaller and pulled him in close to his chest.  "I'm so glad that you both are okay." 

Tadashi smiled and held onto Kei just as tight.  After all the panic, Tadashi just needed some comfort; he just needed Kei to hold him. 

Soon, Kenma and Kuroo joined them in the room again.  They had heard everything from the nurse and were glad to see that Tadashi and the baby were all okay and well. 

When Tadashi got released from the hospital, Kuroo drove them back to their home.  Kei went to say goodbye to the two while Tadashi went to rest in the living room. 

"Why is our blanket on the couch?" Kei questioned as soon as he came back into the apartment. 

Tadashi turned and looked at the blanket before turning back to Kei to answer.  "Oh, I couldn't sleep well in our bed by myself, so I came out here to sleep," he answered simply. 

Kei felt a pang in his heart and he just wanted to punch himself after hearing Tadashi's answer.  Then he went to sit next to the shorter and wrapped his arm around him protectively.  "I'm sorry you had to sleep by yourself.  I won't let you feel alone anymore." 

Tadashi leaned into his lover's touch and laid his head on his chest.  "I'll forgive you as long as you promise to sleep with me every night," he said cutely. 

Kei shook his head with a small smile and said, "Okay, I promise."  His Tadashi was so adorable that he couldn't believe it sometimes. 

"Did you eat well?  Sleep well?" 

"Yes, I ate well.  I stayed at Kuroo-san's place and he and Kenma cooked up some nice food for me." 

"That's good.  I'm glad."  Tadashi smiled and interlaced his fingers with Kei's. 

"What about you?  What have you been eating?"  Kei already had an idea of how Tadashi had been eating while they were apart from what he heard at the hospital from the doctor, but he wanted to hear it from Tadashi himself. 

Tadashi hesitated at first.  He wasn't sure if he should tell Kei the truth or not because he felt guilty himself.  He felt guilty that he had been torturing their baby for so long and almost killed it, and he didn't want to think about it anymore. 

Kei saw the hesitation in Tadashi and held him even closer.  "You can tell me.  I won't get mad or anything," Kei told him gently. 

Tadashi gave Kei's hand a squeeze and nodded his head.  "I... actually didn't eat much.  I felt too sick to really eat...  And I didn't know if you were eating proper meals or not, so I felt guilty if I were eating and you weren't." 

Kei bit his bottom lip.  He truly felt that he didn't deserve Tadashi.  All of what had happened could have been prevented if only he had been mature and stopped acting like a childish dickhead. 

"So that's why the doctor said you were malnourished," Kei said lowly. 

"Did he really?" 

"Yeah."  Kei nodded.  "But from now on, I'm going to make sure you eat and feel comfortable." 

Tadashi smiled and turned to give Kei a kiss on the lips.

After resting for a bit, Tadashi realized that it was getting close to dinner time.  "Okay, I'm going to start on dinner."  He got up and was about to head into the kitchen before Kei grabbed his arm and stopped him. 

"No, you rest.  I'll cook." 


"You need to rest.  You just got out of the hospital.  I'm not letting you help either." 

"Tsukki~" Tadashi whined. 

Kei ignored him and went straight to the kitchen to start on dinner.  Tadashi innocently followed the taller, blond into the kitchen and tried to help out, but would always be nudged away.  As much as Tadashi pouted and whined cutely to Kei, Kei still didn't allow him to do anything. 

Finally, after pouting and pleading for a few minutes straight, Tadashi went to sit down back on the couch.  He tried watching some t.v. to distract himself, but he couldn't help but steal a couple of glances at Kei. 

When Kei was finished making dinner, he called out to Tadashi.  They ate dinner and then went to take a bath.  Kei got into the tub first, then Tadashi sank in right in front of him and leaned his back against the taller's chest. 

Because Tadashi's back was facing Kei, he suddenly felt the want to kiss the nape of his neck.  It was a perfect opportunity, and he took it.  Kei leaned in close and planted kisses all over Tadashi's nape.  It surprised Tadashi at first and he flinched in surprise, but it became a ticklish feeling that made him squirm. 

"Tsukki~" he whined. 

"What?" Kei muttered while kissing him some more. 


"Okay, okay." 

Kei stopped with the kisses and wrapped both arms around the smaller instead. 

After their bath, the couple dried off, put some clothes on, and climbed into bed together. 

Tadashi rested his head on Kei's shoulder while Kei wrapped his arm around Tadashi.  They laid together in a comfortable silence.  Then Kei snaked his hand down to Tadashi's midsection.  Surprised, Tadashi looked up at Kei. 

"Tadashi," Kei said softly, "Thank you... and I love you and our baby." 

Tadashi smiled with tears in his eyes.  "I love you, too." 

They shared a kiss and soon fell asleep holding each other close. 

A/N: FINISHED!  How did you guys like it?  I hope that you guys enjoyed reading!  Thank you :) 

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