Extra 7

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"Hey, Tadashi, have you seen my knee pads?" Kei called from their bedroom.

Tadashi, who was finishing up the dishes, dried his hands and headed into their bedroom.  "Did you check in the closet?" Tadashi asked. 

"Yeah, I did already."  The blond picked up his gym bag and placed it on the bed and started packing his towel and volleyball shoes. The pregnant went to look in their closet and moved some stuff around before finding his tall husband's knee pads.  He smiled and handed the blond his knee pads.

"Are you sure you really looked?" Tadashi teased while moving to sit down on their bed. 

"I did," Kei defended himself, taking the knee pads and placing them in his bag.  Then he looked at the pregnant and noticed how he gently rubbed his small belly. "Are you sure you're feeling well?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Tadashi answered.  "Why?" 

"I just don't want to go if you're not feeling well." 

Tadashi smiled.  "It's been almost a month since we've seen everyone.  I miss them.  And I feel fine, so don't worry about me." 

Kei sighed.  "Alright.  If you say so."  The tall, blond approached the shorter and placed a hand on his belly.  "Are you ready to go then?" 


The couple finished getting their stuff, then headed down to the car.  Once they got to the gym, they grabbed their things and went in.  The first person to spot them was Suga.  The gray-haired male waved at them and smiled. 

"Hey guys!" Suga greeted them.  Before Tadashi could respond, someone tugged on Suga's shirt to gain his attention. 

"Oh, hi Yuuto," Tadashi said with a wave before bending down to Suga's first son's level. 

"Hello," Yuuto greeted shyly. 

"Yuuto, do you remember uncle Yamaguchi and uncle Tsukishima?" Suga asked his son. 

Yuuto nodded.  "They bought me legos." 

"You're right!  Now, what did you need?" 

"Can I have a snack?" 

"I thought daddy was going to get you and your brother snacks." 

"Daddy took Haru to the bathroom." 

"Oh, okay.  Let's go get you a snack then."  Suga took his son's hand, but before he left, he said, "I'll be back.  Go ahead and start with the others." 

"Alright," Tadashi replied. 

Most of the rest of the old Karasuno team was already there warming up.  As soon as Kei changed his shoes and put on his knee pads, he joined the rest to warm up, too.  Tadashi changed his shoes, too, but he was still unsure if he wanted to play with them because he didn't know if he was going to be able to keep up with everyone else. 

Tadashi hesitated for a while until he finally decided to go and pick up a ball and practice serving. 

"Hey, Yamaguchi," Nishinoya called out to him from the other side of the net, "your serves are still the best!"

The pregnant smiled, happy to be complimented.  "Thanks, senpai!" he called back to the shorter male. 

Hinata, who was right beside Tadashi, noticed that the freckled male had gained a bit of weight and had a bit of a gut, even under his oversized t-shirt.  He grew curious and went to pull on his husband's shirt to talk to him about it. 

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