Chapter 6

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A few days passed by and Kei had only come home once while Tadashi was away at work to pack some clothes and other necessities.  He was hiding out at Kuroo's place for time being, knowing that Tadashi wouldn't go looking for him there. 

The pregnancy news hit him hard.  Truthfully, he wasn't happy about it, yet nor was he upset really.  He was just confused.  Kei would be lying if he ever said that he never thought of a future of him and Tadashi- but the idea of kids never happened to come up. 

Kei thought back to the signs.  Tadashi asking and talking about children out of the blue.  Tadashi's nervous behavior.  The nights when Tadashi would secretly get up in the middle of the night to throw up.  Or even when it was his turn to take a bath and he would turn on the shower randomly to over up his vomiting noises.  It was all coming clear to Kei, but he still wasn't sure on what to do. 

He wanted to run away.  He didn't want to deal with the situation even though it was partially his fault.  He knew Tadashi never purposely got pregnant.  To create a baby, you had to have two people no matter what. 

Kei hadn't been answering any of Tadashi's calls or text messages at all.  He didn't want to deal with them, but he couldn't help but listen to the voicemails Tadashi left for him because he did sort of miss his lover's voice. 

"Tsukki?  I'm so sorry... please don't be upset.  I'll be waiting for you." 

"Tsukki, are you okay?  Please just send me a text or something..." 

"Tsukki, have you been eating well?  Don't skip breakfast." 

"Tsukki?  Why won't you answer my calls?" 

"I called your boss... he said that you've been at work and seemed pretty normal to him...  I'm sorry, I was just worried.  Please give me a call." 

"Our neighbor said that she saw you come home earlier and left with a suitcase...  She was concerned, but I just told her that you were going on a business trip...  I miss you, Tsukki..." 

"When are you going to come home?" 

"Tsukki, I'm sorry..." 

Tadashi's voice was so depressing and lonely.  It hurt Kei to listen to all the voicemails.  It felt like his heart was being ripped right out of his body, but he couldn't go back yet.  He still didn't know what to do or how to face Tadashi.  He still needed more time to think. 

The tall, blond exited the guest room that he was staying in and went down to the kitchen where Kenma and Kuroo were.  He sat down at their table for four and silently watched the couple prepare dinner.  It reminded him of how he and Tadashi would cook dinner together.  He did miss Tadashi greatly, but he just knew that he couldn't go home. 

When the duo noticed their guest sighing to himself at their table, they looked at each other before the shorter kicked the taller, telling him to go talk to the blond.  Kuroo left the side of his lover and sat across from Kei. 

"So, do you want to tell me about what happened and why you're here?" Kuroo asked. 

When Kei first arrived at Kuroo's house, he didn't say anything or give a reason why he was there.  Being a good friend, Kuroo didn't ask, knowing that Kei would probably tell him everything when he was ready. 

Kei looked up and eyed the raven-haired man before looking back down at his hands with a sigh.  "I don't know what to do," Kei muttered. 

"What do you mean?" Kuroo asked curiously.  He wondered if it was about Tadashi being pregnant. 

There was a moment of silence before Kei looked back up at his friend and said, "Tadashi is pregnant." 

"O-Oh, really?" Kuroo asked, trying his best to sound surprised.  "Congratulations!" 

Kenma, who was just finishing up cooking, turned and leaned against the chair that Kuroo was sitting on.  "So what are you doing here?  If Tadashi is pregnant, why are you here instead of home with him?" 

"That's the thing..." Kei replied.  "It's not that I'm unhappy about the news, but I'm not too fond of it either." 

"Do you not like children?" Kuroo asked. 

Kei didn't answer, but that was enough to give Kuroo and Kenma the hint. 

"What did you tell Tadashi when he told you?" Kenma asked, moving so that he could sit down as well. 

"Well, I found out myself actually.  A sonogram fell out of Tadashi's pocket and I picked it up.  He tried saying that it was Oikawa's, but I knew that it wasn't by the way he was stuttering.  I don't think he even wanted to tell me, but I didn't stay long to hear his reasoning.  I asked if I could have some time to think about it and left." 

"Okay," Kuroo said, "I'll tell you the truth.  When we all went over to Oikawa's house a while back, Tadashi was throwing up pretty badly and that's when most of us found out that he was pregnant." 

Kei raised an eyebrow. 

"He said that you didn't like kids and he was scared to tell you.  So that's probably why he was trying to hide it." 

"Oh..." Kei mumbled quietly. 

"Whatever happens, I just hope that you and Tadashi can make up soon and discuss things together." 

Kei only nodded his head. 

They ate dinner together, and then Kei went up to the guest room.  He changed into some sleeping clothes and picked up his phone.  As much as he wanted to call and hear Tadashi's voice, he just couldn't bring himself to click on the call button.  Kei felt pathetic because he was battling himself from within, but soon decided to forget about everything and just go to bed. 

A/N:  More of Tsukishima's point of view/thoughts this chapter!  I hope you guys liked it! 

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