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Hello everyone!

It's officially been a year since I've posted the very last chapter of "Our Little Family"! Sorry it's a bit late, but thank you all so much for all the love and support! I really, really appreciate it. It truly puts a smile on my face whenever I see how much you guys have enjoyed reading. And I'm just really glad that you all like my writing. Also, I want to give thanks to twig1let for making the cover for this story! :)

Anyway, on to the Q&A! 

Questions about the story:

How was it writing Our Little Family? Was it fun?

-Well, I started writing Our Little Family about two years ago, so it's been a while, but I remember that I just had an idea and I just wrote freely. Ideas just came so easily and I just typed it all out. It was really fun! I enjoyed writing it and I'm really glad that others enjoy reading!

How did you get the idea of this fanfic and how did you actually find motivation to write it?

-I got the idea when I was trying to look for TsukkiYama fics. There aren't a lot of TsukkiYama mpreg fics, so I decided to just make my own. I think my motivation was just to write it for myself. It's a bit hard for me to explain... like when I get an idea and I really like it, I'll just keep writing about it and add more and more stuff to it.

How do you get the motivation to write and how do you word your sentences so good?

-I just really wanted to write a TsukkiYama mpreg! I felt and feel like there needs to be more TsukkiYama mpreg fics. But in general, I lose motivation very easily. When something interests me, I'll have the motivation to do it then and there, but probably not afterwards. As for my sentences... I honestly have always thought that my English (English is my first language) and grammar have been terrible until one of my professors complimented me on my grammar! I was beyond shocked! But I think the reason my sentences may seem "good" is because I have read books and fics with amazing sentence flow and grammar. I take influence from others and try to implement it in my writing. Also, a lot of practice and re-reading/revising helps!

Why did you write a TsukkiYama fanfic? And what inspired you?

-I wrote a TsukkiYama fanfic because they were one of my very first and favorite ship when I started watching Haikyuu! Well, I was looking for family/mpreg TsukkiYama fics but couldn't find many, so I decided to write one myself :)

What was it like when you realized how many people read your book?

-If I remember correctly, this story actually got popular after I finished writing it. And it was gradual. It wasn't like I just woke up one day and got tons of comments and votes LOL But it felt nice to know that others enjoyed reading my work!

Apart from who else is able to have a baby, how did Yamaguchi get pregnant? Did he have a c-section or some other surgery?

-Well, in this world/AU, mpreg is normal. So I guess you can say he got pregnant in "natural ways"? LOL! And no, he didn't have a c-section/surgery. Like I said, mpreg is normal, so males giving birth is normal as well :)

Would Yamaguchi and Tsukki have another baby? Or would it just be too much?

-In this AU/world, I don't think so. I think they would be good with just Hoshiko. However, in another AU/world, I think I can see a possibility where they would have more children.

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