Chapter 9

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About an hour later, the doctor came into the waiting room and told the three that Tadashi was okay. 

"He's malnourished and had a fever, but he's resting okay now," the doctor informed them.

Kei felt a part of his worries wash away when he heard that Tadashi was doing fine. 

"What about the baby?" Kuroo asked for Kei. 

"Well..." the doctor hesitated, "the baby is stable right now, but it was put under some harsh conditions.  We're not entirely sure it'll survive, but we're monitoring the baby very closely and hoping for the best." 

Kei stayed silent.  He was scared, and he felt guilty.  When the doctor told them that the baby had been under harsh conditions, he blamed himself completely.  As much as it was difficult for him, he realized that that everything was probably much harder on Tadashi.  Tadashi had been the one suffering, and Kei knew that he should've been there for him. 

"Thank you, doctor," Kuroo thanked him. 

The doctor left and a nurse showed them to Tadashi's room.  She checked up on him while she was there before leaving them to themselves. 

As soon as they saw Tadashi, they felt relieved.  He was still very frail and didn't look like he was in the best shape, but he had gained some color in his face and they were happy with that.  Kei slowly made his way towards him and reached out a hand.  He stopped and hesitated just before his fingertips touched Tadashi's skin, but then gave in and caressed his slim looking cheek.  It had been so long since he really took a good look at Tadashi's face up close.  He could see every freckle across his face because he had been so pale.  Gently, he ran his thumb back and forth on Tadashi's cheek. 

Just then, Tadashi woke up.  He felt so groggy and a little nauseous.  When he opened his eyes, he was face to face with Kei.  He opened his mouth to talk, but he couldn't get a proper word out.  His throat had been so dry and a bit sore from all the vomiting he had done.  Kei reached for some water and helped Tadashi sit up so that he could drink some. 

"Thanks," Tadashi quietly said after clearing his throat. 

"How are you feeling?" Kenma asked as he approached the bed. 

"I'm fine," Tadashi replied with a weak smile.  "Sorry you guys had to come out all the way here."  He lifted his head to scratch the back of his head, but was stopped by something.  He turned and looked at the IV that was attached to his arm.  Slowly, his smile disappeared and he let his arm down. 

The older couple looked at each other, then back at their friend with soft eyes.  "You don't have to apologize," Kenma told him. 

"Yeah, we don't mind at all.  We wanted to come here and make sure that you were okay," Kuroo added.  "Anyway, what's the last thing you remember?" 

"Ohh," Tadashi chuckled awkwardly and nervously at the same time.  "I... felt like puking when I woke up this morning, so I went to the bathroom...  After puking, I felt dizzy, so I went to the kitchen to cook something.  I thought maybe it would help make the dizziness go away, but I blacked out in the middle of everything." 

Kei just stared at his lover.  The guilt within him just kept growing larger and larger as they spoke.  He pulled up a chair and sat down.  Then he reached out and grabbed onto Tadashi's hand gently.  Kuroo and Kenma excused themselves, knowing that they needed some private time together. 

After Kuroo and Kenma left the room, Kei looked down at their intertwined fingers for a minute before locking eye contact with Tadashi.  He took in a breath and apologized right away.  "I'm sorry." 

"Tsukki," Tadashi muttered. 

"I shouldn't have acted this way for so long.  I'm sorry that you had to go through it all by yourself.  I know I should've been there for you, but I wasn't."  Kei paused. 

Tadashi smiled weakly.  "It's okay...  I'm sorry, too." 

"No, please... you have nothing to be sorry about.  I know what I said about children and all, and how I dislike them, but-" 

Tadashi gasped quietly.  Then he put his free hand over his stomach.  "I forgot.  I was supposed to go to an appointment today..." 

"You don't have to go or reschedule." 

Tadashi was confused.  "What do you mean?" 

"I mean... let's keep it."  Kei cracked a small, sincere smile. 


"I know... but since it's our child, I can change.  I know I will change.  There's nothing more that I want other than to see and hold our baby." 

Tadashi started tearing up.  "R-Really?  Do you mean it?" he asked in between sobs. 

Kei teared up just a little bit as well and nodded his head.  "Yes, I mean it.  I want to watch him or her grow and hold them close.  He or she will make us a complete, little family of three." 

Tadashi couldn't help himself and threw his arms around Kei.  "Thank you...  Thank you so much," he cried. 

"No, thank you, Tadashi." 

Tadashi gripped harder onto his lover and cried into his broad shoulders that he had missed so much.  The two spent a long moment like that; just hugging and comforting each other.  After all, they had spent a long time away from each other. 

The moment was soon over when a monitor started beeping rapidly.  Kei and Tadashi broke apart from each other and just stared.  They had no idea what was going on.  Suddenly, a doctor and nurse rushed into the room. 

A/N:  Cliffhanger!  Sorry! 

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