Extra 8

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"Don't worry about anything, Yamaguchi," Suga told him. 

"But-" Tadashi tried to talk. 

"We got everything planned already.  You pretty much just have to show up." 

"Isn't it a bit too early, though?  I heard that baby showers are usually held later." 

"You can have a baby shower whenever you want.  Yama, I think you're worrying too much.  Just leave it to us and relax.  The beginning of your pregnancy was stressful, and we don't need you being any more stressed.  Please." 

Tadashi sighed.  "Can I at least know what you guys are planning?" 

"If I tell you, then it wouldn't be a surprise." 

Again Tadashi sighed.  "Fine.  Alright, you win." 

"Don't even think about calling Oikawa or anyone else.  I already told them to not tell you anything related to the baby shower." 

"Okay, okay." 

"Alright, good.  Then, I'll see you in 2 weeks." 

"Okay, see you then." 


Tadashi hung up with Suga and put his phone down.  He pushed himself off the couch and went to the kitchen to grab something small to eat.  When he came back to the living room, he had a banana in his hand, and turned on the tv. 

While Tadashi sat watching tv and eating his banana, his baby kept moving around.  He placed his free hand on his belly, and it kicked right underneath his palm.  It put a smile on his face. 

Kei entered the room just as Tadashi was smiling away, and approached his lover.  "Is our little star kicking again?" the blond asked as he went to sit next to the pregnant. 

"Yep, he or she is awake and moving around," Tadashi replied.  He took Kei's hand and placed it on his belly so that he could feel their child, too. 

Kei smiled as soon as he felt the soft kick against Tadashi's skin.  He turned to look at the shorter, and then leaned in to plant a small kiss on his freckled cheek.  "Are you hungry?  Want to go out for lunch today?" 

"Sure, I'm craving some Italian food." 

"Italian it is then." 

After agreeing on a restaurant, the married couple got up and left. 

A few weeks later, the day for Tadashi's baby shower came.  Once Tadashi and Kei woke up and got ready in the morning, they headed over to Suga and Daichi's house, since they had the largest house. 

When the couple arrived, most of the guests were there already.  "Guests" as in pretty much all their volleyball friends, some coworkers, and a few people the couple had met in college. 

Right away, Suga welcomed them and gave Tadashi a pin that had a cartoon-y baby sucking on a pacifier on it.  Kei helped Tadashi put it on and then they went to greet everyone.  Once, they said hello to everyone, Kei went to join Daichi, Kuroo, and some of the others outside by the grill. 

Tadashi was very happy with the decorations, it was star-themed, and he was happy that he was able to spend time with all his close friends.  He went to sit next to Hinata and Kenma, who were chatting with each other. 

"How are you feeling?" Kenma asked when Tadashi sat down. 

The pregnant smiled and rubbed his belly.  "I'm feeling good.  I'm finally just starting to get used to all the weight being in front." 

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