Extra 4

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"We'll be coming over this weekend, I already told Kei's parents and we decided to come together since it's been so long since we've seen you guys," Tadashi's mother told him over the phone. 

"Okay," Tadashi replied.  "Are you guys going to stay over or are you guys going back home at night?" 

"We were planning on staying over if that's alright with you and Kei." 

"Yeah, of course." 

"Alright, we'll see you this weekend then." 

"Okay, bye, mom." 

Tadashi hung up and continued with his lunch.  He sent Kei a quick text while he was eating, telling him that their parents were going to come over on the weekend.  That was when he realized that he hadn't told his parents that he was pregnant.  It wasn't like he was trying to hide his pregnancy from them, it just hadn't crossed his mind to tell them because of everything that had happened and then he just forgot to notify them. 

That night, when he got home, he cooked dinner and thought of whether to call and tell his parents before they came or when they were at their place.  Then Kei got home.  Tadashi set the table and the couple sat down to eat dinner together. 

"Tsukki, have you told your parents yet?" Tadashi asked. 

"About what?" Kei questioned, sipping on his water. 

"Me being pregnant." 

"Oh...  No.  I kind of forgot." 

"I did, too." 

They both stared at each other for a minute without saying anything. 

Kei cleared his throat and said, "Well, I guess we can tell them this weekend." 

Tadashi smiled.  "Okay...  For some reason I'm kind of nervous." 

Kei reached over and held his lover's hand.  "You don't have to be.  We'll do it together." 

Tadashi nodded.  That was why he loved Kei so much.  Even though Kei had been somewhat cold and didn't ever really show much emotion, when they were alone together, Kei was actually pretty nice and loving. 

The next couple of days went by normally until Friday hit.  Kei was working overtime while Tadashi was finishing up dinner when the doorbell rang.  Tadashi went to answer the door and he was met with someone he was not expecting to see. 

"Hey, Tadashi," Kei's older brother greeted with a big smile. 

"Oh, Akiteru," Tadashi said in surprise.  "What are you doing here?" 

"I had some work to do in here in the city.  I texted Kei the other day and asked if I could stay until tomorrow and he said okay.  He didn't tell you?" 

"No, he must've forgotten.  But come in, it's gotten chiller lately." 

Tadashi moved aside and allowed Akiteru to come in.  The taller set down his backpack and work bag on the ground in the corner and sat down in the living room.  Tadashi followed him into the room, but before he sat down beside him, he remembered he had dinner sitting on the table. 

"Oh, Akiteru, I made dinner.  Come and eat," Tadashi told him. 

"Thank you," Akiteru thanked the shorter.  He got up from the couch and sat at the table with Tadashi. 

They ate and tried catching up since it had been a long time since Akiteru had come by.  Then Kei came home.  He was a bit surprised to see his older brother, but then he remembered the text.  The younger blond came and sat down with this lover and brother and began eating his dinner. 

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