Extra 1

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It was early in the morning when Kei awoke.  The sunlight was peaking through the blinds letting in a little bit of light into the room.  He turned to his side and was greeted with Tadashi's peacefully, sleeping face and soft snores.  Kei smiled with delight and just wanted to kiss his lover, but held back, not wanting to wake him.  

Slowly and quietly, Kei got out of bed and went to start on breakfast for the two of them- well, three if you counted the extra person residing in Tadashi's stomach for the time being. 

It had only been a couple of weeks since Tadashi's little incident.  Kei took off from work the first week after Tadashi was discharged from the hospital and took care of him to the fullest.  Tadashi really appreciated it, especially because Kei was more open with his feelings, but Kei barely let him do anything that entire week. 

Once breakfast was ready, Kei went to use the bathroom and then woke Tadashi up. 

Kei gently caressed Tadashi's cheek and placed a kiss on his lips.  And just like sleeping beauty, Tadashi was awakened by his true love's kiss. 

"Hmm?" Tadashi hummed, still half asleep. 

"Breakfast is ready," Kei told him.  "Let's go eat." 

Tadashi rubbed his sleepy eyes and nodded his head.  Kei took Tadashi's hand into his and led him towards the kitchen where their food was.  They ate breakfast together and then went to relax in the living room. 

Their morning went by slow as they just laid on the couch watching t.v.  But as soon as noon hit, the two of them went to get ready to go out to the gym. 

Once the couple was ready to go, they hopped into the car and drove to the volleyball gym.  When they got there, they bumped into Kuroo and Kenma on the way in. 

"How are you feeling?" Kenma asked Tadashi.  Kenma and Kuroo haven't seen the younger couple since Tadashi got discharged from the hospital, though, Kenma did call once to ask how they were doing. 

"Good," Tadashi replied with a bright smile.  "I still have morning sickness, but the medicine I've been taking has been helping." 

"That's good."  Kenma smiled to the younger and walked into the building with him while the two taller males followed behind them. 

Most of the others that they knew from high school were already there getting ready and stretched.  That was the first time in a very long time that they were getting together to play some volleyball again. 

As soon as Oikawa and Suga saw the two couples enter the big gym, they ran from across the gym, straight to the greenish-brown headed male.  Oikawa smirked while Sugawara threw his arms around the younger. 

"How are you?  Did you..." Sugawara asked, worry obvious in his expression. 

Tadashi smiled and discreetly pulled Sugawara's hand to his small belly bump to answer his questions.  Oikawa saw this and gasped.  Then he broke out into a big smile and threw and arm around Kei's shoulder and started punching his arm. 

"So, tall, blondie here does have a soft side to him after all," Oikawa teased, making Kei roll his eyes and look the other direction. 

Kuroo, seeing Kei's reaction, took the chance to start teasing as well, wanting to be part of the fun.  But after a while, Kenma dragged his lover away so that they could get stretching before they started playing.  Iwaizumi also had to come over and pull Oikawa back to the rest of the former Aoba Josai members while the other three walked over to the former Karasuno members. 

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