Chapter 2

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Tadashi pulled the covers up to his chin and just stared at the wall blankly.  He knew what was coming before he even talked with Kei, but there was a small part of him that hoped and prayed that Kei would've said that he loved kids as well and that he wanted to have a family with him.  But after their conversation, Tadashi felt like he had been crushed by a boulder and went back to feeling scared once again. 

Back in the kitchen, Kei was cleaning up and doing the dishes.  He was wondering why his lover had been acting so odd, but he decided that if it was serious, then Tadashi would tell him on his own will.  Once he was done cleaning up, he peeked into their bedroom and heard the soft snores of Tadashi.  He went to take a bath without bothering him.  Then when he was done with his bath, he went to wake his sleeping prince so that he could go wash up as well. 

"Tadashi, wake up," he said gently as he shook his partner awake.  Tadashi rolled over and faced him with sleepy eyes.  "Go take a bath." 

Tadashi nodded his head in response and obeyed.  When Tadashi was in the bathroom, he felt a wave of nausea hit him.  He didn't want to alarm Kei with the vomiting noises, so he turned on the shower before turning to the toilet and puking out all that he just had for dinner, which wasn't much.  Once he was done, he wiped his mouth and sank into the bath. 

The warm water felt so nice on Tadashi's skin that he just wanted to stay in there forever.  All his muscles relaxed and he felt all his worries wash away temporarily.  He gently laid his head back and closed his eyes.  Without even realizing, Tadashi dozed off for a few minutes before Kei came knocking at the door. 

"Tadashi, are you alright?  You've been in there for a while," Kei said from the other side.  Kei was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when he noticed that Tadashi was taking a long time to come back from his bath. 

Tadashi jolted awake and unplugged the drain.  "Y-Yeah, I'm fine," Tadashi called back. 

Kei reached for the door handle and cracked the door opened.  Just as the door opened, Tadashi got up and reached for his towel.  He felt his face get all red when he knew that Kei was staring at his butt naked body and quickly grabbed his towel that was hanging nearby. 

Kei smirked slightly as he watched his husband's shy actions.  "You don't have to hide anything," he said in a low voice.  Tadashi felt Kei's voice vibrating in his ears and blushed even more.  Kei opened the door wider and allowed himself into the bathroom.  He took another towel and draped it over Tadashi's head before he started drying his hair. 

Their faces were so close together that Tadashi could feel Kei's breath on his skin.  He wanted more.  He so wanted to feel Kei's body on his, but then he remembered their conversation from earlier.  He backed away slightly and put his hands on Kei's chest  while smiling up at him. 

"You have to get up early for work tomorrow, remember?" Tadashi told him. 

Kei looked at Tadashi with a bit of surprise, but then took his hands into his.  "Yeah.  I'm going to head to bed then," Kei replied.  "But don't take too long to come to sleep.  You still have work, too." 

"I know." 

Tadashi watched as Kei let go of his hands and left him alone in the bathroom.  He let out a sigh and finished drying up and putting on his clothes before he crawled into bed. 

The next few days went by normally and quickly, with some morning sickness on the side.  When the weekend hit, Tadashi decided to go visit Oikawa and Iwaizumi by himself.  Kei said that he had some work to get done because they were a bit behind schedule, so he pretty much locked himself in the study and worked from home.  When Tadashi arrived at his friend's house, he suddenly felt nauseous.  As soon as Iwaizumi opened the door, Tadashi pushed past him and dashed for the bathroom without saying a thing.  He was afraid that if he opened his mouth that he would puke all over Iwaizumi and he didn't want to do that.  He didn't even get the chance to close the door or turn on the bathroom light.  When Tadashi was done emptying his stomach, he flushed the toilet and rinsed his mouth out.  Just as he exited the bathroom, Oikawa bumped into him. 

"Oh, are you okay?" Oikawa asked and placed a hand on Tadashi's forehead, checking if he had a fever or something of the sort. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," Tadashi replied with a weak smile. 

Throughout the whole week, Tadashi hadn't been eating much because of his morning sickness.  It was terrible and it was hard to hide it from Kei, but somehow he was managing well enough. 

"Come sit down," Oikawa told Tadashi with concern written all over his face. 

When the two made it to the living room, they both sat down.  "How are you feeling?" Tadashi asked, trying to change topics. 

Oikawa laughed.  "I should be asking you that.  You don't look too well." 

Tadashi smiled weakly once again.  "I'm fine, really.  I'm not the one who just had a baby." 

Oikawa smiled and scooted closer.  "I feel great actually.  I mean, I still have all this baby fat, but I'll be back in shape in no time."  Oikawa patted his still plump belly. 

"That's good to hear." 

Oikawa's smile dropped.  "Okay, but seriously, what's up?  Why do you look so pale and scrawny?" 

"It's nothing.  I'm just on a new diet that I'm trying."  Tadashi hoped that that convinced Oikawa enough and that he wouldn't ask any more questions. 

"This new diet you're trying out is not working for you."  Oikawa was worried about the younger.  Tadashi seriously looked a bit sickly. 

"I'm fine," Tadashi reassured him.  "Don't worry.  Now where's baby?" 

Oikawa decided to let it go for now and said, "Hajime went to get him."  He continued to stare Tadashi down intensely and think of some reasons  until Iwaizumi showed up with their tiny baby.  "Yamaguchi, are you and Tsukishima trying for a baby?" 

"Wh-What?!?  N-No, we aren't..." Tadashi answered nervously.  Then under his breath, he said, "Tsukki doesn't even like kids... why would he even want to try for any?" 

Though he thought no one heard him, Oikawa, who was sitting the closest, obviously did and grabbed onto his shoulders. 

"Are you pregnant???" 

Tadashi's eyes widened and he nodded at first in surprise, but then shook his head. 

"Well, which is it?"  Oikawa lightly shook Tadashi's shoulders and stared into his eyes intensely once again.  He really wanted to know. 

Tadashi sighed and Iwaizumi grabbed hold of Oikawa's hands so that he wouldn't hurt the younger.  "Yes, I'm pregnant," Tadashi admitted.  "But I haven't told Tsukki yet, so please don't say anything..." 

A/N: Iwaizumi and Oikawa are one of my most favorite ships in Haikyuu!  I love them so much!  Of course, I love Tsukishima and Yamaguhi, too.  What are your favorite Haikyuu ships? 

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