Extra 5

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Tadashi sighed as he lifted himself up from his work chair.  Sitting so long made him feel so stiff and even heavier than he actually was, and he was only a little bit over halfway through his pregnancy.  He rubbed his belly lovingly with one hand while he packed up his paperwork into his folders then into his bag. 

Because Tadashi's back was facing the elevators, he wasn't given a warning when Kei came up behind him and wrapped his long arms around his belly.  The sudden touch surprised Tadashi, making him jump a little, but when he realized that it was just his husband, he eased into the back hug. 

"Did you get off early?" Tadashi asked, still packing up his stuff. 

"Yeah," Kei replied.  "The meeting was short." 

"I'm almost done.  Just give me a minute." 

Kei let go of his partner and watched as the shorter continued to stuff his papers into his bag.  "Why don't you sit down and do it?" Kei asked curiously. 

"I've been sitting all day and my butt hurts," Tadashi explained. 

Finally, the shorter finished packing and smiled at the blond, signalling that he was ready to go, but before they could go anywhere, a co-worker called for Tadashi. 

"Yamaguchi, could you come here and help us really quick before you go?" the co-worker asked, being a bit timid because he new. 

"Yeah, one second," Tadashi replied.  Then he turned to look up at Kei.  "I'm sorry, that's our new guy and I can't leave him hanging.  You can sit at my desk.  I'll try to be quick, I promise." 

"It's fine.  Go ahead and take your time," Kei said simply, not minding the delay. 

Tadashi smiled and set his bag back down.  Then he hurried over to his new co-worker to see what was going on.  While Tadashi was busy, Kei took the chance to look at Tadashi's desk.  The first thing that he noticed was the sonogram from the most recent doctor's visit.  A light smile started to form after he saw more pictures of Tadashi's family and of Tadashi and himself. 

While Kei admired the pictures, there were some women in the office staring from afar admiring him.  They had only seen Tadashi's husband a couple of times from a distance, but now that they were seeing him up close, they were swooning.  They kept bugging each other and nudging one another's shoulders to go and get the blond's attention, but no one wanted to budge right away. 

Finally, one of the girls gained enough courage to walk by with some papers in hand.  She casually walked passed the blond to the copier and started making some copies.  She glanced over at the tall, handsome, blond and bit her bottom lip.  She could think of many things that she wanted to do with him, but first, she knew that she had to get his attention.  So she gathered up her papers and started towards Kei.  Then, she purposely bumped into his shoulder and dropped all of the papers that were in her hands. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kei apologized, tearing his gaze away from Tadashi's desk and bending down to help the woman pick up the papers. 

"It's fine," the woman replied.  She looked up and locked eye contact with Kei and smiled.  "Thank you for helping me." 

"No problem." 

They both stood up after picking up all of the papers from the ground.  Kei handed it to her and took a step back, expecting her to leave right after, but she stood there as if her feet were glued to the floor. 

"What's your name?" she asked, trying to be cute and girly. 

"I'm Tsukishima Kei," Kei told her. 

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