Chapter 5

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While Kei was at work, he couldn't stop thinking of Tadashi and wondering if he was okay.  He fidgeted at his desk and kept checking his phone to see if Tadashi had tried texting or calling him. 

When he knew that he was just not going to get work done, he got up and went to ask his boss if he could leave early.  Because of how hard working Kei was since he first got the job, his boss allowed him to leave. 

"I hope your husband feels better soon," his boss called to Kei on his way out the door. 

Kei turned back and thanked his boss before leaving.  He checked his phone one last time before pulling out of the parking lot and drove home. 

It was only a little after one when Kei arrived home.  As soon as he got to their apartment, he went straight to the bedroom, expecting Tadashi to be resting, but the room was empty.  Kei then went to the bathroom, but there was still no sign of Tadashi.  When he went to check the study and the living room and still had no luck, he grew worried.  He had no idea where Tadashi could have gone. 

Kei sat himself down on the couch and took out his phone.  He tried calling and texting Tadashi, but none of the calls went through and he never recieved a text back.  Then as he was about to try calling Sugawara or Hinata or anyone, the front door opened.  Kei stood up and felt most of his worry wash away when Tadashi walked into their apartment. 

"Why are you home early?" Tadashi asked nervously as soon as he saw Kei.  He closed the door behind him and was somehow was stuck in his spot. 

Totally ignoring the question, Kei asked, "Where were you?  Why are you going out when you're sick?" 


Kei took large steps towards Tadashi and grabbed his wrist.  "Why didn't you text me or something?" 

Tadashi knew Kei was angry and that he should have texted, but he didn't know that Kei was going to be home early.  Tadashi just wanted to go to the clinic quick without Kei knowing and confirm his pregnancy with a doctor and ask to see if they could prescribe him anything to lessen the nausea he had. 

Kei's grip got tighter as the silence thickened between them two.  Finally, Tadashi gathered all his courage to speak up and apologize. 

"I'm sorry, Tsukki...  I was just went to the mart to buy some medicine.  I didn't think I'd take long, so I didn't bother to text," Tadashi said. 

"You're sick, you shouldn't be going out," Kei scolded and let go of Tadashi's wrist. 

"You're right.  I'm sorry," Tadashi apologized again.  He looked at the taller with innocence. 

Kei's expression softened as he stared down at his small lover.  Then Tadashi turned and took off his coat to hang up.  Without Tadashi noticing, the ultrasound picture that he had stuffed into his coat pocket flew out and landed on the ground, blank side facing up, in front of Kei.  Kei saw the piece of paper land on the ground and picked it up. 

"You dropped somethi-" Kei started.  "What is this, Tadashi?"  Kei examined the piece of photo closer. 

Tadashi turned his head to see what Kei was talking about and almost fained when he saw the sonogram in Kei's hands.  "I-I's nothing," Tadashi stuttered out.  "I just-  Oikawa gave it to me." 

"Don't lie," Kei said.  No emotion showed on his face and it scared Tadashi to pieces.  Tadashi sighed and stood frozen in place. 

"I-It's a baby... our baby..."  Tadashi was too scared to look up at Kei, so he stared straight down to the ground.  He was terrified of Kei's response.  He wished that he had been more careful because he was definitely not prepared for what was going to happen.  He wanted to go back in time and make sure that the sonogram was hidden deep in his bag instead of his pocket so that it wouldn't fall out. 

"You're pregnant?" Kei asked. 

"Yeah," Tadashi confirmed.  "I-I'm sorry I kept it a secret.  I was going to tell you, I just didn't know when-" 

"Can I have some time to think about it?" Kei interrupted.  Kei was completely monotone and especially since Tadashi wasn't looking at Kei, he couldn't tell what he was thinking at all. 

Kei didn't wait for an answer.  He simply dropped the piece of paper and grabbed his jacket before leaving.  Tadashi looked up just in time to see the front door gently close behind Kei and heard the soft click of the door.  Everything was quiet.  Slowly, Tadashi dragged himself over to the couch so that he could sit down before his legs gave out on him. 

He felt totally and utterly rejected, even though Kei didn't actually reject him- at least for the time being.  Tadashi didn't know what to do.  He held his flat stomach while silent tears rolled down his cheeks.  Tadashi was upset, but he knew it was coming; he just wasn't mentally prepared yet. 

That night, Kei texted Tadashi saying that he wasn't going to come home that night and for him not to worry.  Tadashi replied with an okay and left his phone on the lonely couch while he went to take a bath.  He needed to clear his head for a bit. 

After his bath, he made himself some dinner to eat.  Thankfully, he was able to keep it down for once and felt satisfied.  He took the medicine that was prescribed to him and cleaned up the kitchen. 

Then he took one last glance at his phone, hoping that Kei had texted anything else or had tried to call, but there were no new notifications.  Tadashi sighed and let his phone lay on the couch while he went to their bedroom.  He got ready for bed and slid under the covers, but sleep didn't come to him so easily.  It took him a long time before he could finally doze off to dreamland. 

A/N: Yamaguchi!  I felt so bad for him while I was writing this...  I just wanted to hug him, haha :)

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